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  1. H

    Soothing Dance Can Revive

    Sooth Dance can heal defeated enemies and make them battle, take damage, you know...typical undefeated ally stuff Version 6.30, as you can see here Brint got the defeated text but after my heal, he is capable again Another example is Gweyr clearly defeated in this battle But after Quin's...
  2. H

    Soothing Dance Bug (Redirected)

    In the bug forums now, dunno how to delete this so its staying.
  3. H

    Get rid of tits

    Ok, which option should i pick for lash to remove it?
  4. H

    Get rid of tits

    Busky wont sex me anymore!, i tried 3 man ups but it does t work, how do i get rid of tits?
  5. H

    Do I need to defeat Jazvallah for Penny to accept the recording?

    I'll try but considering my past undos i'm also gonna be two teased shot by her lmfao, maybe hypnotizing myself for willpower will help, and ensure a slutty outfit
  6. H

    Do I need to defeat Jazvallah for Penny to accept the recording?

    So theres no consequences to just slouching for 24 days and just doggying with ulborg and dane until it comes down? i admit i found resting spam yielding better result than sleep so I was still trying despite Sophora literally on my tail. And yes technically...but theres a reason I took the...
  7. H

    Do I need to defeat Jazvallah for Penny to accept the recording?

    If so then im about to get fucked cause i have a dzaan withdrawal debuff, desperate question cause otherwise im "willing" to just start anew being blissfully ignorant of her existence (and ignoring the uncontrollable scene where you act as a slave and the girl you service a guy with when you act...
  8. H

    Which Cop to call to avoid the Dzaan Stalker?

    surprisingly enough, after returning to her, it did appear!, confused on why, maybe theres just a "break time" where she doesnt consider it for a while after the dr badger shenanigans
  9. H

    Is ship upgrading needed?

    Same with the weapons, do i really need to get new ships and weapons?
  10. H

    Which Cop to call to avoid the Dzaan Stalker?

    I wasnt gonna ask this question cause i was thinking "Free Xp", but a bad encounter with half lust meter caused a defeat, and as i play the game as "Gay except when high lust" the status she gives me when defeating me is uncomfortable to have despite the good buff for my range merc, the one in...
  11. H

    Most Reliable Way to Increase Anal Capacity?

    Oh cool!, the wiki didnt say anothing about tavros, thanks!
  12. H

    Most Reliable Way to Increase Anal Capacity?

    ah, after searching the wiki looks like i still dont have access to the planet with those, looks like It'll have to wait, Thanks!
  13. H

    Most Reliable Way to Increase Anal Capacity?

    Title, just wanna catch anal with Busky, I tried spamming the android fisting but its not yielding results, or is maybe not just realizing that it does...very slowly