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  1. B

    What content would you like added?

    Perhaps he meant something like that?
  2. B


    But yes, everything will have to be rewritten from scratch. As a result, gigatons of work, time and effort.
  3. B


    Hmm, perhaps he meant something like this?
  4. B


    D His nickname makes it very clear why he came here. This is a hungry, fat troll who came for food. Ugly, stupid and very, very angry. And even if he is not a troll, then most likely he is a person who had an attack of conservatism. A very dangerous condition in which a person experiences a...
  5. B


    In this case, anime is cat girls, kitsune, and stuff like that.
  6. B


    Dude, calm down. I got it. Go north. Kill the local boss (if there is one). Reduce the difficulty level to a minimum. Try to ignore futanari. Do not argue with the local audience. I got it.
  7. B


    Let's sum up this shit. I agree that brutal torture is idiotic. I agree that I created most of my problems myself. But! The ability to turn off unnecessary content would be very helpful. Still, the vast majority of opponents in this game are futanari, and this is really annoying, because it...
  8. B


    Okay, I'll give this game another chance. As soon as I finish with the installation of Sexlab on Skyrim. Maybe I really should play this game on story difficulty. And another question. Is it possible to somehow enable full control over the party in battle mode? Because I noticed that most of...
  9. B


    By the way, can you give me links to these other lewd games? If it's an anime game, then don't. I don't like anime.
  10. B


    The main problem with this "game" is that it does not contain any hints about what to do and how to do it. I'm still stuck in the starting city because I can't figure out where I should go to progress through the story. Yes, I admit that my suggestion of torturing and killing characters is the...
  11. B


    Man, skill games are usually fun to play. In such games, I have no desire to use cheats. In Corruption of Champions, I have such desire. Not because the game is difficult, but because it's boring as hell. The reason why I haven't quit yet is simple - I still hope to find something interesting.
  12. B


    Damn it. Without cheats, it will be extremely difficult to beat this game, and it will not be fun at all.
  13. B


    Does this game have cheats? Or at least debug mode?
  14. B

    What content would you like added?

    Skill has nothing to do with it. I just want variety. There is nothing fun about re-reading the same sex scenes. It's boring.
  15. B

    What content would you like added?

    Why not? They annoy me, rape my ass, ruin my life in every possible way, and all I can do in return is just have sex with them or leave? Dude, this is dumb.
  16. B

    What content would you like added?

    I would add the ability to brutally torture and kill enemies. Because after the tenth fight with marefolk shaman in a row, I really want to finish her off.