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  1. L

    Act 2 Warrior Build: Parry this you filthy casual!

    Excellent build though I am curious what exactly is the stat distribution? Seems like this would benefit a lot from a high presence or willpower, but also through a good amount of strength and toughness.
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    I want to build a healer tank or healer support build for my new playthrough, I'm asking for tips since I'm new to the route after playing mainly a warrior for most of my runs. So if you have any ideas I'll be more than happy and thank you!
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    Kasyrra's Battleaxe

    Wait you can get the axe?
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    Favorite Sexable Milf

    Horse Blacksmith in mare village
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    Any good Presence/Leadership stacking tank builds?

    It can boost your companion's stats and apparently give you extra hp.
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    holy crap this is hard!

    does inquire come first then question?
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    holy crap this is hard!

    I'm having a difficult time trying to get through the conversation battle with big snake lady and I'm failing hard Idk if there's been an update to the argument or what but the wiki doesn't seem to be working or I'm stupid. Most likely the latter. PLS HELP ME!!!
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    How do I get past sigrune?

    Dang so their is really no way past her without fighting?
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    How do I get past sigrune?

    So I've been doing a usual playthroughs, but I have never done the convocation of mirros quest out of fear there might've been another way past sigrune, besides fighting her. I've saw on the wiki that you can talk her down by completeing the princess dilemma quest, but It hasn't triggered in my...
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    Starting a new run and looking for ideas on a magic warrior build! Any suggestions?

    I was thinking about something more dps oriented. I've been a bit frustrated by the fact of enemies who were highly resistant to normal damage, but was weak to magic damage when I didn't have companions who could compensate.
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    Starting a new run and looking for ideas on a magic warrior build! Any suggestions?

    After finishing the content for my last champaign of a pure warrior build I thought I should try mixing in magic dps since there's a lot of enemies with big resistance towards normal attacks. So why no try again with martial skills and magic!
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    So in a way this is to ensure a lot of survivabilty since there's so many items that resist damage and add magical damage to attacks? Does this build also include the use of charge weapon and a stat allocation of strength + toughness + willpower?
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    What if you were going for the strength + Agility + Cunning route to maximize damage what gear would you recommend then? If so how would I go about reworking the build to implement the spellblade strategy?
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    Git Guud

    Lets say your going for a dps type build and let a companion take care of tanking/healing. What powers and gear would you go for?
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    Git Guud

    What are some good powers for warrior builds? What stats should I try to distribute in order to maximize effectiveness?
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    I see my good friend! Any advice on good stat distribution for the all rounder build your talking about? I would also like to know any equipment you recommend as well as powers!
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    I see so is there is no generally good way to dual wield?
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    Thank you so much for replying, I really needed some help since I wanted to get good at this game! Are there any companions you reccomend? Or general gear I should get as soon as possible?
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    Hey this is my first time posting anything on the thread since I've pretty much just started playing the game a few days ago, but now I got hooked on it. As such I wanted to actually be better at playing the game and have an better grasps on the combat mechanics. I've went through about like 15...