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  1. SnowVilliers

    Observation post of the Observer.

    What did you decide on for the player being able to knock up Rags or not? In regards to post freedom Kiyoko content, the rest can come later, this is a start.
  2. SnowVilliers

    Wsan CoC2 content

    I feel similarly, I don't have much if any interest in her sex content at all. And depending on her personality, platonic interactions might be kept to a minimum as well.
  3. SnowVilliers

    Wsan CoC2 content

    Certainly not for her, being a dickgirl and all, not my thing unfortunately. Interacting with her besides sex could be interesting though, hopefully that'll be worth seeing.
  4. SnowVilliers

    Wsan CoC2 content

    Not gonna lie, I am a little bummed that something I was looking forward to is being delayed for something I'm not particularly interested in. That may change, I have no idea who Evelyn is, so I'll try to stay optimistic. That said I'm still all in for more Brienne content when that resumes...
  5. SnowVilliers

    Revival questions.

    That's more of a reference or Easter egg.
  6. SnowVilliers

    Revival questions.

    So yeah, Terry, Layla, Cveta, they're all done. No more content for them.
  7. SnowVilliers

    Revival questions.

    If teaching those jobs was part of Cveta's Act 2 content, that's gonna be a hard no. As for your second question, again it depends on who wrote her, can't remember right now. If it was Alder, yes. Anyone else, no.
  8. SnowVilliers

    Revival questions.

    I thought so at first too, but then I started thinking about how a good chunk of her current content hints at further interactions and expansions, and said expansions are officially dead in the water, I wouldn't be totally averse to not having to be reminded of what could have been. I believe...
  9. SnowVilliers

    Revival questions.

    Will she eventually be implemented in Fall of Eden as originally intended?
  10. SnowVilliers

    Revival questions.

    I see, is the same true for Moira as well?
  11. SnowVilliers

    Revival questions.

    Even though the content is already written?
  12. SnowVilliers

    Revival questions.

    Do let me know how that goes. I hope the verdict is yes, I might be too sad to interact with Cveta anymore otherwise. She's one of my favorite characters, I'd hate to see all that content he already wrote for her go to waste. Same with Moira, she seemed pretty cool too.
  13. SnowVilliers

    [Implemented] Fisianna: The VERY Shy Nekomata

    Hell yeah! It's been a long road, but I couldn't be happier that Fisi has finally seen the light of day, happier still for the Xpacs down the line. Keep 'er goin' @Lkynmbr24 !
  14. SnowVilliers

    [Implemented] Fisianna: The VERY Shy Nekomata

    Woah, for real? Alright! Now we're getting somewhere! Upcast Drake, the hero we needed, but did not deserve.
  15. SnowVilliers

    [Implemented] Fisianna: The VERY Shy Nekomata

    The Neko-shuttle is finally clear for liftoff? Exuberance! You're gonna make it brah, I believe in you. We all believe in you! Seriously, I haven't been this excited for new content since Cured Reaha or Bess. Here's hoping this makes it into the game soon, best of luck!
  16. SnowVilliers

    [Implemented] Fisianna: The VERY Shy Nekomata

    You must believe, I know I do. It is my sincerest hope that Fen gives this a look as soon as he's done with Plantation Quest and whatever else requires his immediate attention. Smut gods, I beseech thee!
  17. SnowVilliers

    Does TiTs have a Yandere character planed out?

    Definitely this, meeting and further interacting with such a character would be completely optional.
  18. SnowVilliers

    Does TiTs have a Yandere character planed out?

    Like any archetype, I think Yanderes are not restricted to any particular intensity and can be done in a way that's palatable to just about anyone. I'd like to call to attention two of the very examples in the OP, My Neighbor Kaede-san and Stalking Girl. In them the Yanderes in question are not...
  19. SnowVilliers

    [Implemented] Fisianna: The VERY Shy Nekomata

    I'm excited for all of this, can't wait for editing to finish so she can get coded in.
  20. SnowVilliers

    [Implemented] Fisianna: The VERY Shy Nekomata

    What else might you have planned for expansions?