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  1. S

    Show off some art

    Would make a great dream sequence if nothing else.
  2. S

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    Depends on what you mean by snake TF; if it involves the lower body going snek then the answer is "never" because the PC can never be anything but bipedal for sex scene reasons. Same reason there's never going to be a centaur or drider TF.
  3. S

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    Elthara is the one I keep waiting for a proper response by, otherwise I'm good. Well, Calise might enjoy meeting another full on Champion of a god, but... err... for plot reasons and a theory I have that just won't go away that I am good with leaving her out, heh.
  4. S

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    It still works as a mage shield specifically because it is not a catalyst, so that negative crit won't actually affect your spells. At least as I understand it, someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. S

    Show off some art

    Nice, been a fan of Dmitrys other work for years. That's a great version of Ryn!
  6. S

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    Aha, for some reason I thought Jassira was part of the same continent, just a good distance away in a far more arid location. Guess I should reread those bits! Incidentally, I know you don't want to make an overland map to avoid locking yourself in before determining where places are for future...
  7. S

    What content would you like added?

    A lot of things have been lost since the Godswar, including majority of more advanced magical stuff, I don't know if that included boats that could make the travel between continents, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was. Let's compare it to our reality; let's say a nuclear war breaks out...
  8. S

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    I am 99 % certain this will be a thing, but an official event at the palace, if the PC don't have a vagina to carry the child, or otherwise don't want to. RynPreg will likely be some sort of official event in some capacity, with El joining in like with the PC+Ryn+El threesome option during...
  9. S

    Icon Sharing Thread

    Use this tool/site here called to convert them to PNG, then crop them as desired. Due to their low quality by default without paying for the AI, converting them to PNG actually reduces their size enough the entire image can be used uncropped, so primarily you just need to crop to...
  10. S

    Icon Sharing Thread

    Been playing with the Anime tags a bit more, here's some halfway decent ones that could be turned into a icon for Valkyries or Demonmorphs that fit the style a bit better. EDIT: Made them into example usable avatars just as well.
  11. S

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    You could use Perks or the player having powers equipped to trigger the same things, which we already know can be done on the Powers part by the fact that you need to have Flame Spirit equipped in order to challenge the Flame Dancer and Flame Knight. For a background as a White Mage or Black...
  12. S

    What content would you like added?

    I do wish you COULD get a Paladin prestige class, or better yet, have the ability to pick your level 1 perk as you can your level 7 perk, so a Paladin White Mage could pick Veteran instead of healer then. Currently Arona and Cait's holy setups are better than we can replicate, because they have...
  13. S

    Icon Sharing Thread

    Not really, if you mean the AI stuff, otherwise everything I've posted have been off Google Image search really that I then just convert and crop. I tried to use the AI to make something close to that art style at first, but it either deals in realistic CGI stuff, or Anime/Hentai, (and also at a...
  14. S

    Icon Sharing Thread

    More AI generated images, trying to make a Succubus/Demonmorph and Angel/Valkyrie avatar. Angel one somehow spontaneously ended up including something that could be a Dawnsword stand-in, making it perfect for my thief main.
  15. S

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    If he came back, only proper way to do it would be as a fantasy Darth Vader, so permanent armor covering up what for all intents and purposes looks like a new character in a new meme quest, then have the reveal near the end. But then again, I don't see much of a point; without the Dawnsword...
  16. S

    Icon Sharing Thread

    Been messing with AI image generation for making new avatars and... well, I made some true abominations, and a lot of stuff that's useful as fap material and not much else, but it did result in some very nice images, here's some of my favorites, all work as avatars.
  17. S

    What content would you like added?

    I agree most everything else (especially the Charmer bits, the class still feels weirdly incomplete and wonky, has ever since Resolve remake even if it was vastly improved by just allowing Sexiness to keep scaling) but new classes (and starting Races) have been specifically shot down as "not...
  18. S

    What content would you like added?

    I suspect any item able to max out ability score would be too OP pretty much regardless. On some toons I cheat and just edit in the extra stat points and never go get boons for less hassle, but we should really just be able to buy bottled drinks instead, so we could drink it in the field during...
  19. S

    What content would you like added?

    I really want a holy avenger of some kind at some point for my Paladin(s, tends to be my favorite archetype in a good vs evil type scenario), basically a two-handed version of the Gladius or Dawnsword, maybe with some innate power like spell deflection or similar, or just a big bonus Blight...
  20. S

    What content would you like added?

    You can add furry Leothran balls, but other than that I'm pretty sure it's assumed we're all smoothies.