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  1. R

    Missing Description

    Not sure if a bug but I just ran into Emese. After going to her apartment I noticed that there really has not been changed to accommodate her. The square on the map still calls the space "Irons Residence" and the text of "Temple Street" that you use to access her apartment does not have a...
  2. R


    Was thinking about this and maybe at a later date this could be a feature rather than a bug. Maybe they are a regular at the Crash Landing and you could develop a relationship with them beforehand. If you are on friendly enough terms with them, then it could give you alt text and possibly alt...
  3. R


    First Encounter with Kihan Cultist, chose yes to selfies. "A dragon in the heavens... that KihaCorp drone ship? Could this Evermind, whatever that is, have hacked the V.I.-controlled ship and turned it on the Rushers coming through? It’s hard to tell where religious fervor ends and science...
  4. R


    In the Farrow quest, I sided with the rioters. After the fight I got the following: "The rioters have, well, gone to riot with the security forces cleared out. They’re streaming past the gates and slamming into the front dohnbors, pouring inside as fast as the roundabout will let them — you...
  5. R


    Another in the text of meeting Feruze in the Brothel: She pushes up to her feet and takes your hand, heading for the bar. You follow along, dodging the occasional unconscious swipe of her tail and trying to pick out who in the crowd you’re looking for. There’s certainly a smorgasbord of exotic...
  6. R


    Fantastic. I will just continue to post in this thread then until the next patch release. Might change process after. Is there a tag that I should use that might make it easier to identify? Also there was another typo in Eloise Dance talk. “Alright girl, show mewhat you've got,” you answer as...
  7. R


    Another one: In Eloise Herself talk she says “Yeah, I have played all of the games they released since I'm 6,” she says with eyes carrying years of involvement and dedication in a single gaze. Would assume that the line should be "since I was 6," rather than implying that she is currently 6.
  8. R


    Just encountered her in the bar. I have finished the party but have not "kicked the ass of her last employer" yet. I am just catching up with content as I have not played in quite awhile. Maybe this is bypassing code to check if Farrow is done yet or maybe it is missing that code?
  9. R


    In the section Winding Down The line: "Maybe some of the new contacts you’ve made on Dhaal will be willing to help you reach out to the zaibatsu to get this resolved before your cousin can sneak-thief in and steam it." I assume that it is suppose to be steal and not steam. Also if there is a...
  10. R

    Bugs, Bugs and more Bugs in Blackjack

    The blackjack game looks great but boy is it a buggy mess. 1. You can bet 500-5000 but there is ZERO confirmation anywhere as to what you typed in is what is actually being bet and it likes to reset it to 500 if you don't touch it juuuuusstt right. 2. There is no indicator of how you are doing...
  11. R

    Ship Issues

    This issue also happened on recruiting Reaha. In that case it appended the text to the end of the Boarding Ramp text rather than only showing the Boarding Ramp text.
  12. R

    Ship Issues

    On the rescue Ardia mission, after freeing the slaves and clicking Rescue!, game takes me to the ship but fails to proc the text. Game opens the next dialog choice of Recruit/Don't/Exit but there is zero context for it. This seems to be tying into a previous issue I had posted about where...
  13. R

    Syri Issues

    First Issue: Syri is on Mhen'ga and is Fuckbuddies. Anno is crew. Clicking on Anno dialog option opens Syri's sex menu and creates no dialog in text box. Second Issue: Winning Petplay bet initially works fine but upon reaching the ship, location is set as Boarding Ramp and all sex dialog is...