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  1. C

    What content would you like added?

    I agree, especially on the lupine part (lupine is canine right?). I skimmed over a lot of the game but I don’t think there is single follower even close to canine.
  2. C

    Are 343's Halo games bad?

    Halo 1, 2, 3 and reach we’re good. The rest went too far off and didn’t feel right, Especially infinite. I suggest playing Halo 1 through reach but leave the rest out probably.
  3. C

    Where's the Wayfort Vault?

    Had no idea this existed. Will for sure have to do another play through soon because apparently I missed a lot. EDIT - just realized this was only recently added. Bit of a dope on my part, sorry.
  4. C

    Favorite songs, just curious.

    Someone else said basically every type of electronic and synth music but on top of that a lot of older country music like; Johnny Cash, Marty Robbins, Johnny Horton and others around the same time.
  5. C

    What content would you like added?

    Really cool idea that a lot could be done with. Apply this to other places like the mare-folk and centaur villages and maybe bring some people like the shy manticore (and other people who live alone in the wilderness) into your fort to make it more lively and easy access lol.
  6. C

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Thanks for the info, didn’t know the post was that old haha.
  7. C

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Off topic but where do you find all that content at? I had no idea this god of mischief or whatever existed. I thought I did pretty much everything there is to do right now.
  8. C

    Death of Flash and how to access CoC?

    I downloaded it maybe within the past 2 months and it worked fine. Are you sure you are doing it right?
  9. C

    What content would you like added?

    I’d like for there to be more holy and or pure stuff. More people who are anxious for their first time and or are just good people who don’t have sex all the time. Unless it’s with someone they are bonded to like the player.
  10. C

    Warrior, Charmer, or Black mage?

    Warrior, good basic chad build
  11. C

    Is there a command to unlock all CGs and Busts?

    Thanks! I appreciate all the info. I see it used all the time and it bugged me that I couldn’t figure out what they were. Thank you!
  12. C

    Is there a command to unlock all CGs and Busts?

    I keep seeing “CG’s” and “Busts” what are those? Sorry if this sounds stupid.
  13. C

    Winter Wolf camp battle not ending?

    Ya, remember it is a porn game and a lot of people (myself included) didn't read it and fought the whole alphabet and then some. I think I just said screw it and ran away and figured out that was the right thing, or I just looked it up. Luckily the wiki for this game is pretty spot on.
  14. C

    Discord server related question

    Sorry that this reply is so much later on but if you don’t know what discord nitro is you have to pay for it. Subscription based thing you can get that just gives you a bunch of different perks if you have the extra dough to spend and actively use discord.
  15. C

    How far can you get in the story

    Oh, sorry. Thanks for the info. Both things. I really appreciate it
  16. C

    How far can you get in the story

    So I guess that’s it then. New to forums and stuff like this but are they still working on this and adding content?
  17. C

    How far can you get in the story

    I did that too ya
  18. C

    How far can you get in the story

    Thanks for the link! Guess I have done everything. Can’t wait for more content.
  19. C

    How far can you get in the story

    What the title says. What is the furthest you can get right now? I’ve done the Ice Palace with Etheryn, been all throughout the under mountain, I’ve purified the hornets and helped the centaurs. Is there anywhere else I can go or is that all there is right now? love the game and I’m addicted to...