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  1. B

    Sheild splitter

    Ah is see now thanks for telling me. I kinda feel stupid now
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    Sheild splitter

    So I was looking through the wiki for new stuff I can test out and I was thinking of making a new save for a two handed thief dps and I saw a new weapon called shield splitter, but since it's a new weapon I can see how to get it yet. So I played through the run quest and I couldn't find out how...
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    Hello spellblades of the coc2 forums! I was planning on making a holy spell blade so i'm stuck on which class I should start with?
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    Horn size

    Currently I'm about to make a fire mage mander. So to my knowledge the ashen leaf sold by Nash gives me dragon horns but only 2 inches big, so is there any way the champ can make them bigger?
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    Warrior, Charmer, or Black mage?

    Thank you my friend now I may rest easy
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    Warrior, Charmer, or Black mage?

    Yes Brienne as a tank or dps(don't know which yet) and Cait for the heals
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    Warrior, Charmer, or Black mage?

    I can play any role from dps to tank all the way to support but I don't know which one to pick
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    Warrior, Charmer, or Black mage?

    I stuck on which class I should make my male PC so I'm letting the forums choose.