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  1. Acharehnus

    Your Gripes With CoC2

    I adore the more intimate scenes with characters we can really get to know and I have to say I got ridiculously excited when I saw we were getting more Freja and Aileh scenes, I'm a sucker for that stuff.
  2. Acharehnus

    What content would you like added?

    Wouldn't it be optional though, you control the buttons you press.
  3. Acharehnus

    What content would you like added?

    Sorry for the double post but this is different enough to warrant a new post: I hope there's a big reveal and a reckoning with Evergreen, that's a lady with some monstrous skeletons in her closet and the dramatic potential if you're friendly with Senja and Meira is immense. There's some very...
  4. Acharehnus

    What content would you like added?

    It'd be nice if I could color scales/horns separately. Now that dragons are in trying to get the right combination of skin/scale/horn colors is a nightmare roulette.
  5. Acharehnus

    What content would you like added?

    Probably more broadly about various terms for gender non-conforming people tricking, trapping, ambushing...if that makes sense? It's always a creepy negative term. It feels like we just run with the first name bigots go with.
  6. Acharehnus

    What content would you like added?

    Marriage with an appropriate ceremony would be so good. It'd be adorable and amazing. But I wouldn't say no to an official concubine position...that's pretty hot too.
  7. Acharehnus

    What content would you like added?

    cis dude actually. I just don't have that visceral a reaction to things my characters do I guess.
  8. Acharehnus

    What content would you like added?

    I just don't see why carrying the baby yourself is such an insurmountable hurdle. If you want the child to be yours sometimes you gotta have the right equipment for the job. It's pretty low personal cost to do it, you could get it over with really fast with the resident creepy tanuki witches...
  9. Acharehnus

    [0.6.15+] CoC2 Save Editor v64

    Not sure where to post this because It might not even be a bug, but on one of my recent saves I couldn't seem to get the Mai/Miko favorite choice and I realized it's because apparently Keros' offer was never made to this character and that might be because I made her a valkyrie before he...
  10. Acharehnus

    Is Evergreen evil?

    I would call her manipulation of her children evil not just the emotional stuff but you know, the magical changes she makes to them. And she's loathed by the other older beings in the area for apparent monkeys paw deals she's made with them. On top of that we don't actually know her intentions...
  11. Acharehnus

    What content would you like added?

    The writers aren't Alan Wake, Savin wont be eaten by darkness if the lore bends to far. Hell I think Kas does temporary transformations a few times.
  12. Acharehnus

    Your Gripes With CoC2

    Uh huh. This really clarifies why some people feel so worked up about girls with dicks to me. "Real Males" "Normal girls" yeah. Feeling a bit critical of the genders?
  13. Acharehnus

    What content would you like added?

    The new area has a lot of manticore nip and Cait is thrilled about that which reminds me we don't really have any interaction with what feels like a pretty big deal in her culture. Unless you're a catfolk and even that's pretty brief. In short, we should all get high and messy in the temple of...
  14. Acharehnus

    What content would you like added?

    Every patch since Ryn quest I race to the patch day.
  15. Acharehnus

    What content would you like added?

    It was also a planned option, making her a demon. I don't have the patreon tier to see the design docs so I don't know if it's still a plan.
  16. Acharehnus

    What content would you like added?

    Is demon Brienne still in the pipes. There's already art of her with a dick.
  17. Acharehnus

    Why do a lot of people dislike the kitsune so much?

    I'm not sure which part is wrong. Arguably the trophy husband I guess because as they all make clear you hold no real value to the Kitsune. Even as Keros champion you don't serve any actual purpose so far. Because you damn well get no say in anything with Kiyoku. Except the choice of not...
  18. Acharehnus

    Why do a lot of people dislike the kitsune so much?

    Could really do without people justifying CoC2 kitsune behavior by pointing at their understanding of Japanese culture....especially claiming a PHRASE is indicative of their entire culture like on this page. It's just silly at this point.
  19. Acharehnus

    What content would you like added?

    I suppose you could have a one off scenes where she's given a temporary giant donger for that scene if it's to much work. I understand the difficulty of introducing transformatives to companions on a perma basis but one offs like that could still be fun and doable.
  20. Acharehnus

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Gives off real "It's actually Ephebophilia" energy to me