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    [0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1384] Hardlight Thong Not Revealing

    Just to clarify, I'm talking about the HL Thong that drops from the Techie gryvain on the FIRST-14 station, not the one from Mi Amour on Tavros. They have the same name but they're different. The one from FIRST-14 is supposed to be transparent but they no longer make your stuff visible, like in...
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    [0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1507] Sylvanole - AuMyrtille/AuRonce - Still critical errors

    Sure. Just to be clear, it crashes some of the time (25-50%), indicating that only some of the possible results may be problematic. I'm also using Firefox, in case that would matter. Also, if it helps, here are my crash messages for Public#1507: Au Myritille Message: e.combatContainer is null...
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    [0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1507] Sylvanole - AuMyrtille/AuRonce - Still critical errors

    Edited: OK, now the AuMyrtille and AuRonce mods actually work some of the time :) But I still get critical errors, and more often with AuMyrtille than with AuRonce. I'm reloading a save over and over to try different outcomes and I get a crash every other time or more with Myrtille but mostly...
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    What Content Would You Like Added?

    The reactive bust image is an awesome feature! It really helps you visualize what your character would look like inside the TiTS universe, aside from numerical values. It would be even more awesome if this was expanded to show hair, horns, ears, wings and such. In particular, I feel it's very...
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    [0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1464] Horse Pill Boosting Height X 10

    Hmmm. Interesting. And very strange. If I'm not mistaken, javascript doesn't distinguish between data types at all when storing variables (probably stores everything as strings inherently), so that might be a necessary step for all numerical calculations involving variables just to be safe...
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    [0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1464] Horse Pill Boosting Height X 10

    Ate a horse pill. Grew 19 meters tall. I was 75 inches of height, now I'm 752 inches. Weight went to an impressive 7.2 tonnes and I can carry a whooping 33.8 tonnes. That's impressive! But seriously, I think the game tried to increase my height by only 2 inches, and somehow appended it to the...
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    [Fixt] [0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1464] Descriptive Tag Sometimes Missing for Lips in Codex Personal Stats List?

    Not sure if this really counts as a bug, but it could still be improved slightly. In my character's Personal stats list, it sometimes just shows "Lips: lips, Dark Blue", as if the first descriptive tag is missing. I mean, it might as well just say "Lips: Dark Blue", if the lips really are super...
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    Metric System Missing

    You guys are awesome! :D
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    [0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1396] Sylvanole - AuMyrtille/AuRonce - critical error

    Trying to use Sylvanole with the Au Myrtille option: Message: e.combatContainer is null Stack: value@ get@
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    [0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1396] New Gryvain Does Knot Have A Knot...

    Creating a new character of the gryvain race gives me a knot girth that isn't any wider than the shaft. Previously the knot was at least .2 inches wider if I remember that right. Now it's the same girth, which basically means there's no knot.
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    [0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1384] Hardlight Thong Not Revealing

    Just a little something I noticed that's different from the old downloadable (0.8.159), but in the java version the HL thong doesn't make your stuff "visible" according to the codex.
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    [Fixt] [0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1379] Overqueen Bola-Attack of Lust

    There's a funny interaction with the bola-projectile attack that the Overqueen does. If it connects, it increases your lust instead of doing damage. Maybe Steele is weird like that tho.
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    [0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1379] Overqueen Fight Grappling Start

    This might be a known issue... I apologize in that case. Is the fight supposed to start with Steele pinned in a grapple, even though there was no event leading up to it? At least my Steele successfully dodged the Overqueen's attack leading up to the fight. Also, during the grapple event, the...
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    [Nonfinal System] [0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1371] W and S keys unresponsive in menus.

    It seems like W and S don't work at all when in combat or other menus like the codex. They work fine for navigating but just not for anything else it seems.
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    Metric System Missing

    Looking forward to it! If I may suggest, maybe those options could be moved to the regular options menu, so that the setting is persistent between saves.
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    Metric System Missing

    I have been playing the downloadable version (0.8.159) all this time and I just realized the java version is like 100 versions newer! The new version is awesome compared to what I've been playing! But there's a very important component missing in the current java version! There's no option to...