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  1. Oh Philomena

    Tips for Malai-quest fight?

    I'm getting dog-walked by these little catboys! Have you guys found a good strategy for dealing with them?
  2. Oh Philomena

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    This is a very personal preference thing, but sometimes the very exaggerated proportions in the character art totally stop me in my tracks and make it impossible for me to see a particular thing as sexy. It's one thing to read a dick being described as big (I can get into that!) and another to...
  3. Oh Philomena

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Oh my gosh, I thought I was the only one who felt like she shows up too much. She's everywhere!
  4. Oh Philomena

    What content would you like added?

    Oh, yeah, I can definitely understand that criticism. I think his character type can be very tricky — when you write the Sexy Bad Boy, there's always a tug-of-war between completely defanging them, which kills the appeal, and exaggerating the "bad boy" traits to the point they become unpalatable...
  5. Oh Philomena

    What content would you like added?

    Can you explain why you feel he's misogynistic? (This is a genuine, completely unhostile question, as I've never gotten that vibe from him.) I enjoy Quin a lot, personally. But I also think BubbleLord's preferences/tone when writing aren't necessarily going to be right for everyone, and...
  6. Oh Philomena

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I know some posters talk semi-frequently about wishing there were more sexable men in the game who aren't mobs, although I think TiTs has a more even balance than COC2 simply because it's been around longer. For people who like that content: Are there specific kinds of men or kinds of encounters...
  7. Oh Philomena

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    Just wanted to pop in here and say I love the new scenes you've authored for Zheng Shi's Ops Deck! I've explored them all with a male and female character, and they really scratch the itch for sleazy, nasty pirate debauchery. It feels like popping in for a guest spot in a particular kind of...
  8. Oh Philomena

    What content would you like added?

    Completely! I definitely feel a different way about unsafe BDSM fiction when it's, like, a Fifty Shades of Gray level phenomenon that might be certain people's first exposure to the idea (eurgh) rather than a super-niche porn game for freaks and furries. And although the super-nurturing...
  9. Oh Philomena

    What content would you like added?

    I totally understand where everyone else is coming from here, but I really like that TiTS and CoC include what would be unsafe BDSM in the real world. The fantasy is being used and discarded by a bad person and coming back for more anyway because you're that much of a slut. Garret's content...
  10. Oh Philomena

    Is it possible to break Dzaan cum addiction?

    Gotcha! Thank you both so much for replying! I think I accidentally ran myself up to 100% really quickly because I was speedrunning her content. There's so much of it and so many variations on each individual scene, I was just spamming trying to see it all. In case anyone else runs into this...
  11. Oh Philomena

    Is it possible to break Dzaan cum addiction?

    Hi, beautiful friends! I have a quick question here: Is it possible to break a Dzaan cum addiction once you've reached the "completely addicted" phase? I had a lot of fun with Jasvalla, who is definitely one of my favorite additions to the game ever, but I'm finding that I can wait a very long...
  12. Oh Philomena

    What content would you like added?

    me realizing brint and i saved the world but also absolutely nuked the genetic diversity of an entire continent:
  13. Oh Philomena

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I'm this exact same way with huge amounts of cum. Like, it's fine if I mentally simplify it to, "They cum a lot!" If I actually think about a body producing or being filled with gallons and liters of cum, I start to feel sick.
  14. Oh Philomena

    What are your thoughts on Berwyn being removed from the party?

    Berwyn was basically an NPC for me anyway, in the sense that I really liked his sexual content and relationship progression at the Frosthound but didn't take him anywhere. I'm really glad his changed role allows us to keep all the good stuff, resolves his dangling threads and frees up the team...
  15. Oh Philomena

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I totally feel this, although I think the Berwyn situation is best for everyone on the creative team and that's ultimately what's most important. Brint is a great companion with tons of possible interactions, but Quint has really gotten left by the wayside and I hope that changes. (Especially...
  16. Oh Philomena

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Dude. Pursang. This is a fetish porn game primarily targeted at people who want to have sex with women. The writers who contribute here put a lot of effort into building their world, creating great characters and giving it a sense of history, but it is all orbiting around a central directive...
  17. Oh Philomena

    Do the artists actually know what proper cup sizes are?

    They don't even jiggle for 30 uninterrupted seconds every time I take a breath. It's bullshit!
  18. Oh Philomena

    Do the artists actually know what proper cup sizes are?

    It's always extremely funny to be a D-cup in real life and see what people without breasts think a D-cup looks like. And by funny I mean "I wore way-too-small bras for years because I consumed a lot of media made by non-breast-havers and thought a D meant big anime jibbly-jubblies." :negativeman:
  19. Oh Philomena

    Favorite Areas in the game so far?

    Totally understandable! I don't mind nameless mobs at all because I find the depersonalization pretty sexy. Like, 'Oooh, my character's the type of floozy who will let random strangers treat her like this, and she's so hot that strangers are into it!' Plus, in a game where people who prefer...