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  1. S

    Permanent Stat Debilitation

    Huh. While trying to look up some of the information in the codex (as the only two trans. that I've used to my knowledge are Throbb and Galomax, neither of which have any cautions in the Wiki regarding permanent stat decreases), I've found a -5 on my character's stat screen. Now I just have to...
  2. S

    Permanent Stat Debilitation

    I'm well aware of this. Around 10~ patches ago, it actually halted entirely once you hit 38 (95% threshold). This is not diminishing in that it simply gets slower. This is halting. As in, it won't go past 35 no matter how long I gym rat. It makes me a sed feesh.
  3. S

    Permanent Stat Debilitation

    Hiya. I was wondering how to cap certain stats. Unfortunately it seems my aim and reflexes won't go past 35; I initially thought it was something between public updates, but going through a quick macro'd run I found I could hit 40 in all stats on that character, leading me to believe it's...
  4. S

    Beat Dr. Lash (Finally!)

    How have you guys done it? I'm around 50 tries in with royal shard bow, sexy transparent suit (I didn't get the Goo Armour upgrade, :( ), reaper shield, lightning duster, thermal underpants, and pasties. Running a smuggler this time. I've been starting with a simple ranged attack for the...
  5. S

    best way to rising stats?

    Not sure if this is within the purview of this thread, but I can't seem to go past 38 in reflexes/aim/physique at level 8 through the gym anymore, meaning I have to save a few points from level-up to max-40 across the board. This wasn't something I noticed in previous (i.e. before around 0.6.1~)...
  6. S

    Possible to turn off notes in save?

    G'mornin' everyone! This'll be my first post on the Fenoxo forums, although I'm a long-time lurker. Have to say before I go into anything else, I love the game and the direction it's going -- probably even more so than CoC. Anyway, onto the actual topic: is it possible to turn off the notes...