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  1. Renatar

    Expansion idea for Centaur Village

    I don't think so, but I'm a night guard, you'd be surprised how much free time I have xD Maybe one day I'll write something like a FanFic
  2. Renatar

    Expansion idea for Centaur Village

    Hey, I'm glad you liked my nocturnal antics XD
  3. Renatar

    Expansion idea for Centaur Village

    No, no, please, I did not do this with any kind of ambition, it was just a bunch of ideas that I had going around in my head, I decided to write them down to pass the time back home and I wanted to share them, maybe someone else could find them too entertaining Like I said, I didn't write this...
  4. Renatar

    Expansion idea for Centaur Village

    I think the centaur village has been a bit neglected, unlike Marefolk Village, these are just some ideas that have been flying through my head for a while and I wanted to share them. This is the first time that I share something like this, the truth is that I apologize if my vocabulary is not...
  5. Renatar

    Icon Sharing Thread

    He is just a poor warrior, looking to recover the honor that was taken from him and a new home... and if you ask him, yes, he was expelled from his legion in the north for sleeping with his commander's wife, and her daughter too,.... maybe it was not his best idea in hindsight
  6. Renatar

    Ahmri Update (and future village updates?)

    Totally agree with you, unlike the Atani village, her village hasn't had much content or attention, in fact, it almost seems like she and her village are forgotten by comparison.
  7. Renatar

    Kinu, unfortunately the cutest

    The fact that Kinu was our daughter has always made me a bit sad, I always believed that she has one of the most beautiful designs in the game and I would have liked her to be another NPC, with another story