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  1. E

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Just because I don't think my suggestions will amount to anything doesn't mean I'm trolling. My visit is basically a Hail Mary... a shot in the dark (in mroe ways than one). Close-minded... who can say? No one is following definitions of words these days anymore so it can mean anything. But if...
  2. E

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Suggestions, not demands. I have no dellusions that anything I say will have 0 impact, and my posting here is more out of boredom than any real hope anything would change. Oh no, I "misgendered"(not) a fictional character that doesn't exist. Crime of the century. What you gonna do? Flay me...
  3. E

    Your gripes with CoC II

  4. E

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Well, since you asked. hmm.... On a more subjective side - furries, traps, anal and insanely oversized body parts - I HATE all of those. Now furries I can partially avoid (but only up to a point, since some are plot-centric) Traps are harder to avoid. Anal can me mostly avoided, except in a...