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  1. MeloPuss

    If your parents decide to genderbend you before you are even born...

    first of all, sex is not assigned. you don't assign someone a Y chromosome. gender can be and is commonly assigned at or before birth, when, for example, a couple decides to refer to their child as their son or daughter when the scans come in. i agree with you that it shouldn't be assigned at...
  2. MeloPuss

    Creating more realistic sexual preferences

    more likely is the case that most people in a universe like this just wouldn't have such a narrow range of attraction when anything sentient enough to speak is a potential sexual partner. just the fact that people play this game and happily let their steele fuck non-terrans should prove the...
  3. MeloPuss

    If your parents decide to genderbend you before you are even born...

    i don't really see how that's much more of a problem than how regular trans people are born here in realityland. so long as you're assigned the wrong gender does it really matter what that wrong gender was based on? in this setting people are progressive enough to let you just be anything you...
  4. MeloPuss

    Icon Sharing Thread

    drew another thing. no non-fluffy alts this time. includes a bigger full rez crop for people who want to do the cropping themselves.
  5. MeloPuss

    What content would you like added?

    i think once you go over nareva's content you'll understand why the idea of having separate pantheons doesn't make a ton of sense. at best i can see revenants of old faiths akin to the wilderness of the boreal elves. but, with my best effort to not spoil, and regardless, the current in game...
  6. MeloPuss

    Some shower thoughts on Electrum

    do internet people have selective blindness towards the word "mostly"? also i literally called it ancient people's headcanon for chemistry.
  7. MeloPuss

    Some shower thoughts on Electrum

    i tried to look up historical sources for how electrum might work and where they go.....but then i realized two things. one, historically electrum doesn't seem to be used to alchemy, which, in hindsight, should have been obvious considering the one of ultimate goals of alchemy was to turn stuff...
  8. MeloPuss

    What content would you like added?

    it's probably already in the plans somewhere down the line but i wanna say it anyway. a round of fleshing out kitsune champion reactions would be nice. in order of which i mean in order of how much their absence bothers me: kiyoko reaction if champion is already kitsune upon...
  9. MeloPuss

    Icon Sharing Thread

    drew a thing for my own use. might as well share it. didn't bother finishing the bottom but it'll work out fine in game trust me. includes kitsune/cat folk ver. we ain't zoologists here it's fine no one can tell.