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  1. BadDragoon

    Is there any way to change Frostwyrms name?

    I recently revisited the Frostwyrm who I named 'Ysayle' on the legacy client and noticed that her name got reset to just 'Frostwyrm'. Now since the old save editor doesn't work on the javascript version and the cheat menu doesn't seem to have an option to change her name I was wondering if there...
  2. BadDragoon

    Oversight in one of Sylvie's sex options

    I don't know if it is a bug or an oversight but Sylvie refers to male PCs that have a vagina as female in the "Take Vaginal" option. I'm assuming it's the latter since it's consistent across multiple characters.
  3. BadDragoon

    PLAN B

    I see, that's a bummer but understandable. Good luck with your upcoming projects, I'm looking forwards to them. I'll just consider mpreg Lyric an early Mayternity content catered to myself, haha. :p
  4. BadDragoon

    PLAN B

    That's cool. I'd never expect Lyric to be the first character to get mpreg content but I'm not complaining. Any chances we see more male futa / mpreg from you on CoC2 like the new Frostwyrm you wrote for TiTS?
  5. BadDragoon

    PLAN B

    Quality stuff from you as usual! Now a question I have is can the PC impregnate male Lyric if he turned into a futa?
  6. BadDragoon

    So, Let's talk about Etheryn

    What makes you think she is trans in the first place? Yes she has a penis and uses female pronouns but it is explicitly described in the bio of her race that they have a third natural occuring gender called "halfsexed", which Ryn falls under. The whole point of her not wanting to remove her...
  7. BadDragoon

    What are your thoughts on Berwyn being removed from the party?

    Easy for you to say when it's about a character you are not interested in. I bet 100 bucks if a female companion were to receive the same treatment you and a lot of others would be nonstop conplaining and moaning about it too.
  8. BadDragoon

    What are your thoughts on Berwyn being removed from the party?

    I see well that makes a lot of sense, thanks for clearing that up. Damn, mans going through the whole 2nd stage of grief over Berwyn.
  9. BadDragoon

    What are your thoughts on Berwyn being removed from the party?

    The more I think about the reasonings for removing Berwyn as a companion the more I can't wrap my head around it. So one reason and the only one I really get is that B wouldn't be overburdened by writing for 2 companions. Now if that was the case wouldn't the logical next step be to look for...
  10. BadDragoon

    Your gripes with CoC II

    My sentiments exactly. I get it, they are catering to their "target audience" but tbh at some point I got to wonder why they even bother with male characters at all when they get sidelined this hard. It feels like going to a buffet but all you're getting are appetizers and when you point it out...
  11. BadDragoon

    What are your thoughts on Berwyn being removed from the party?

    I'm disappointed that Berwyn is no longer a companion although I understand why the decision was made and I completely respect it. However, I don't appreciate how some folks who clearly had no interest in Berwyn before this update have the gall to tell people who are invested in the character...
  12. BadDragoon

    Show off some art

    I think Quin is pretty but I wouldn't call him beefy, imo slender or lean are more apt descriptions of him. On the topic of being picky, it's the other way around for me; I'm not into gruff and rugged men but I like Brint personality wise and while I think Quin is physically attractive I don't...
  13. BadDragoon

    Show off some art

    I love me some men who are both beefy and pretty but most of the muscular dudes in the game are gruff and rugged so I can't say I'm personally into them. I hope we get more NPCs looking like this:
  14. BadDragoon

    Show off some art

    Something for the cultured bussy enjoyers out there. I definitely took some inspirations from this for one of my champions
  15. BadDragoon

    What content would you like added?

    I like Brint and all but for one he isn't really my type and more importantly Brienne has more content involving her sister and mother anyways which is why going with her route is basically a no brainer for me. It's not my fault that we are forced to choose between Brint and Brienne so if it...
  16. BadDragoon

    What content would you like added?

    I want to turn Quin into a girl. Might as well go full scorched earth at this point. I'm salty that the only male companion left is the one I'm not vibing with.
  17. BadDragoon

    What content would you like added?

    While it's cool that we get a replacement for Berwyn idk how to feel about it being another female companion. We barely have any male party members to begin with and now with Berwyn gone we're only left with 2 guys (1 if going with Brienne's route). Anyways the roster is shaping up to be quite...
  18. BadDragoon

    PLAN B

    Is there a specific time where he shows up at the inn? Because aside from finding him at campsites I haven't seen him appearing at the inn at all.
  19. BadDragoon

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I feel like there is a way to give Berwyn a nice conclusion to his questline without removing him from being a companion or from the game entirely. Giving us an option to 'customize' our own Berwyn was a neat idea but was ultimately too ambitious to be implement on a party member. Imo this expac...
  20. BadDragoon

    Your gripes with CoC II

    You're right I suppose. I didn't consider the male NPCs to be a minority either but when compared to the female population everything else is apparently. I think one of the reason why one might have the idea that "everyone in this game is a futa" is because of the disproportional presentation...