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  1. C

    What content would you like added?

    Ooh I was just reading the backlog in this thread a bit and 1. agreed but 2. I feel like that also opens the door for what type of bottom he'd be? Berwyn and Brint both have pretty defined paths for dom versus sub, and Quint cooouuuld kinda round out the ensemble I suppose. Like, what if he was...
  2. C

    What content would you like added?

    Oh yeah well I mean I assume we won't be able to become a full blooded demon but based on other fenoxo games I'm just assuming that since demons exist in the world there'll be other kinds of items which can turn you into one, i.e. Lucifer candy apples and Imp food/Incubi drafts in TiTS and CoC...
  3. C

    What content would you like added?

    Oh also while I'm here, I'm 99.9% sure this is already in the works once we get to endgame plot stuff but: demon transformatives...let me be an incubus...
  4. C

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Sooo here's a pipe dream, just something I'd like not something I'm asking for per se: More treatment-esque tfs!! My favorite things in this game are changes that happen over time, unpredictably, while Steele is doing other things. They feel less like rag and grinding/save-scumming for a...
  5. C

    Your gripes with CoC II

    YES agreed!! I have a lot of Berwyn ideas but different armor sets based on maxing out either dom or sub behavior with him would be so so cool... I could see him becoming more of a healer-y support with summons and buffs if he subs and more DPS focused if he doms, for instance (ideally along...
  6. C

    What content would you like added?

    More armors/movesets for companions which only have the one! I realize these often go with tf plot lines or even new busts — I've been wishing for a berwyn (re-)masculinization plot for ages, which would probably lead to an upgraded kit, but I know that takes a lot of work and writing which I'm...
  7. C

    Your gripes with CoC II

    might parrot this in "content I'd like to see added" but I'm mildly miffed there isn't more content for Quin! I like his personality a LOT but he feels in some ways the least developed of the companions. I also tend to favor non-tease combat since I'm a nerd who likes casting spells etc, so I...
  8. C

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Hmmmm here's something specific and minor (and probably doable with user contributions): more threesome options for crew members! I remember getting excited when I added Kase to my crew and saw it was an option for him, but as far as I know his only threesome scene is with Anno. Admittedly I...
  9. C

    Ways to contribute for people with limited tastes

    Hmm, can I get some elaboration on this? Sorry for the barrage of questions lol — I think one of the "how to contribute" docs says that scenes are considered complete if there are options for male, female, and herm characters. If I wrote for an existing character I guess I could just add an...
  10. C

    Ways to contribute for people with limited tastes

    Where would I reach out/find out who to reach out to? Able, for instance, was created by nonesuch, according to the wiki....would I find them on this forum and send a message? Also, while I'm thinking of it, are there rules for writing additional tf content? For instance, there are scenes that...
  11. C

    What content would you like added?

    HARD agree on this! In terms of design and, idk, "vibe," Quin is by far my favorite of the party member NPCs, and it always saddens me that he doesn't have a ton of content, even around sex scenes. If I had more confidence and was less new around here I'd try to reach out about providing some...
  12. C

    Ways to contribute for people with limited tastes

    Also (and this might be more of a mod question), are the devs ever interested in additional scenes (win or lose scenes, for instance) for NPCs which cater to specific anatomy or characters? There's seemingly less content available for characters with dicks once they get too big in TiTS, for...
  13. C

    Ways to contribute for people with limited tastes

    Hey all! I was thinking about maybe submitting some content for one or more of the currently updating games, but I ran into a problem: I'm pretty much exclusively gay, and, while I definitely could try to write content which accounts for all body types, I don't know enough about what makes those...