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  1. Orion2442

    Kasyrra dream questions

    ok, thanks
  2. Orion2442

    Kasyrra dream questions

    so in the last interaction you have with kasyrra before alissa goes full demon she says i just need to wear the gem she gave me when we first met and i will see her in my dreams, is this implemented yet? or am i just too dumb to figure out how to do it?
  3. Orion2442

    Who is your favorite companion?

    kasyrra for the one battle you have her one your team for is clearly the best companion lol
  4. Orion2442

    What content would you like added?

    i can not wait for said time to pass lol
  5. Orion2442

    What content would you like added?

    i just wanna be a hornet girl with my hornet waifu lmao
  6. Orion2442

    Who is your favorite companion?

    azzy, shes just so cute and fluffy and i love her hair, and she can also have a bimbo form and im a sucker for bimbos, also bee/wasp girls, which she is
  7. Orion2442

    What content would you like added?

    what i want to be added the most is to be able to become a vesparan and hopefully have a scene with azzy involving the process of doing that rather than just a consumable item, and also suttle changes in dialogue with azzy if you end up doing that, azzy is my favorite character and i want to be...
  8. Orion2442

    Confessions of champions

    my confession is that the scene where kiyoko told my pc i had no say whatsoever in kinu's marriage (i was an orc) made me cry ngl