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  1. Scarlett

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Whether or not the writers are interested in writing androphilic content, from a game perspective all I can see are plusses in terms of more people enjoying it. If that's the goal. If not, then it's no skin off my back.
  2. Scarlett

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I should be clear--I'm looking for more variety in the guy department, male herms, subby men, and the like. There are way more sexable gals in the game, but I expect as such. That being said, I'm sure androphile players would much appreciate a few more masculine dudes added into the game. Since...
  3. Scarlett

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Currently underwhelmed by my lack of guy choices. Not that it's too much of an issue--I understand that I represent a small chunk of the player demographic--but I think there's room for more. Some cuntboys and male herms would also be nice to spice things up. Also--to send positive vibes to...