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  1. N

    Warmisteress chain grapple

    When fighting the warmisteress when I get grappled and use static burst to escape I get immediately grappled again on the next turn until I loose the fight from the direct to health damage.
  2. N

    Warmisteress fight on train impossible

    oop gonna be honest i somehow completely missed the attach file button, haha thanks
  3. N

    Warmisteress fight on train impossible

    How do i include a save file in my bug report post where do i upload
  4. N

    Warmisteress fight on train impossible

    ohhhh i didnt know they could have resistance like that, never ran across it until now
  5. N

    Warmisteress fight on train impossible

    Oh no there literally just resistant to tease I have widows kiss, should normally do 6 tease damage and it increases their count by 1 also heavy slut ray is an increase of 1 also
  6. N

    Warmisteress fight on train impossible

    It can lock into a permanent loop of direct health damage, get grappled, break free, direct health damage, grappled again all without ever getting a turn until you loose
  7. N

    Warmisteress fight on train impossible

    i managed to get through it with P shock and my usual tease attacks, the other bosses were all basically immune to tease so didnt try it until now
  8. N

    Warmisteress fight on train impossible

    i should not have to use easy mode a attack that cant be dodged that does direct health damage through shields repeatedly is bad design
  9. N

    Warmisteress fight on train impossible

    My stats are 65 phisique 65 aim 20 reflexes 65 willpower and 57 int and im tech specialist i get locked into a grapple loop where i static burst to break free then take direct health damage again and immediately im back in the grapple
  10. N

    Warmisteress fight on train impossible

    Also getting repeatedly grappled static bursting to get out, taking some more direct health damage and being grappled again until im dead with no turns
  11. N

    Warmisteress fight on train impossible

    Is it me or is this fight absolutely rigged every hit penetrates my shields and does 50 direct to health damage and I'm down in like 2 hits
  12. N

    Amazon Cum Spray gives lust through airtight armor

    The Amazon herm Milodian encounter on uveto sprays you with cum it you try and do a tease takedown and it increases your lust even through airtight armor there is also a lust gain from the milodian herms pheremones dispite airtight armor
  13. N

    Painted Penis Status Effect

    How do you get the painted penis effect from laquine ears I stood around naked on new Texas long enough to cycle through 40 Laquine ears and I was never able to get the painted penis effect, is this something that’s in the wiki and not in the game or am I doing something wrong here
  14. N

    Reset not following Riya

    I fucked up and didn’t follow riya for the quest and then immediately after that I fucked up again and overwrote my save so now it’s gone and I don’t have any good saves I can go back to, I’m trying to use the save editor and I set every single riya tag to undefined but I’m still getting Riya is...
  15. N

    Let goo armor mimic party attire

    so that you can wear your goo armor to the party