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  1. N

    [0.9.104-BACKER-ELECTRON#5112] Carmelita Scene Writing Inconsistency

    Reporting this as a bug as I'm unsure where else to report writer inconsistency. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene : "Get Mounted" The scene requires a Vagina but it lets you choose Anus or Vagina. First half parses correctly, changing terms to refer to...
  2. N

    [0.9.065-BACKER#3675] "Catch" bug with Mitch

    Explanation : The Catch option in Mitch's 'Therapy' menu does not update after you help him with his Condition. Gifting either Ausar Treats or a SynthSheath will give you a Catch scene right after the TF but after that, it will prompt you to "...ask him about his problem", the same scene that...
  3. N

    [Suggestion] Move the Control Overlay for Mobile to the right of the screen

    The new Control Overlay is actually good for mobile. Able to hide it and the semi transparency is nice. However, I would like to note a few problems: 1. The overlay covers the entire map so when you're trying to move around, your thumb or whatever finger you're using is literally covering the...