Search results

  1. Corivas

    What TV Show/Movie/Cartoon/Anime are you currently watching?

    Had an idea for a thread like this so why not start one? Basically, what TV Show/Movie/Cartoon/Anime are you currently watching (or at least planning on watching in the near future)? For me, that Re: Zero anime is pretty cool. I always liked the whole dimension hopping/time travel genre and I...
  2. Corivas

    What scenes account for big/small body parts?

    The body parts being butt, hips, breasts, nipples, height, hair, lip, ear, belly, clt, vagina and cock size (jesus that's a mouthful). So yeah, what scenes in TiTs actually accounts for their size?
  3. Corivas

    What build do you run in TiTs?

    Literally the title. Can be a viable or creative build (doesn't always have to be viable, variety is cool too). My build is running Khan's Lab Coat with his Arc Caster too. Vamp Blade on the side with the Reaper Armaments Mark I Shield Generator because best shield. Frilly Bikini Top and...
  4. Corivas

    Unique Scenes based off certain body modifications?

    What scenes have you come across based on certain prerequisites for your body? These can be scenes based off race, body parts, perks, status effects, tags or just tiny blurbs. Can be big changes or small. For example: If you have a cock with specific tags (knotted, sheathed, stinger based...
  5. Corivas

    Anemone Tags

    Seeing as to how they're still in the game, what are some ideas as to how they could be implemented in TiTs? You could have the possibility of adding the Anemone dick to the Dong Designer. That could be actually be pretty easy cause the scene doesn't change no matter what option you chose...
  6. Corivas

    Favorite Visual Novels?

    So basically, what were your favorite VN's you've played (I mean, FenGames are closely related to them so why not)? Mine consists of both Clannad and Katawa Shoujo. Both are because of story and character development. Monster Girl Quest for it's surprisingly good story too (and H-Scenes).
  7. Corivas

    Simple Question

    Just curious.
  8. Corivas

    Characters in need of X-Packs/Expansions

    Question popped up in my mind earlier and thought i'd ask. What characters do you personally feel should have X-Packs/Expansions (Basically, i'm asking who you think needs more content)? You probably shouldn't say characters who are already planned more content, like Reaha, Emmy, Syri, etc...
  9. Corivas

    Fox/Kitsune TF Item

    Alright so you may be asking "Cori, isn't this idea something that's already gonna be tackled on by someone in the near future?" Okay well yeah, I'm not that stupid. What i'm asking for are some ideas on the item(s). Should it go the route of the ausar TF and only make you half of a furry...
  10. Corivas

    Fire Emblem Fates

    Since the game came out last friday, I'd like to hear some opinions on it? Is it a good game? Bad? Do you like the gameplay and/or story? Or do you still not have the game  (For a multitude of reasons)?
  11. Corivas

    Best Fire Emblem Waifu/Husbando?

    Obviously we need one of these. Who do you think is the best waifu/husbando in the Fire Emblem series? Clearly, Tharja is best (In my honest opinion).