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  1. WolframL

    Final soulbind

    When all the stuff that's a prerequisite for it has been written, edited and implemented. That means KM's main story has to be done because Savin's focusing on that first, then the introductory Tychris content that's not related to the soulbind, then the Nareva stuff leading to the soulbind and...
  2. WolframL


    Tychris is on the roadmap and is literally in the opposite direction from the Coastlands region. Also, it's been confirmed to not be part of the main story.
  3. WolframL

    Idea for COC 2 replayability

    As mentioned, new starting races are Not Happening and were never going to happen. That would require going back to every single check of the PC's starting race and adding another set of options to account for it and adding new ones to everywhere that they might be appropriate depending on what...
  4. WolframL


    We have a very rough roadmap from a year ago but aside from a couple of writers talking about specific projects they have planned we don't have much more than those names and we know nothing about what the third act plot is going to consist of.
  5. WolframL

    Ryn's dick

    What we know of the Lumia uncaging method is that it's written and the scenes are different from the normal method, but it doesn't mean new variables for Ryn.
  6. WolframL


    The closest thing to a demon transformation the player can get is the one that's already in the game, Savin's been clear from the start (as in, it's in the game's primary design doc) that the Champ becoming an actual demon is limited to game-ending states. There's already lots of variation in...
  7. WolframL

    Atugia Quest

    Showed up for me in her menu immediately afterwards. Doing the date completes the quest.
  8. WolframL

    How to obtain the [Assassin's Bow]? *Act 2 Spoilers*

    You need the Ring of Fate, to talk to Calise about the Ring and then pick the Investigate option that appears afterwards, then Pursue the Faceless Blade when she shows up. And as the wiki entry notes, her appearance is gated behind at the party.
  9. WolframL

    Learning Different Warrior Stances

    You might find this part of the wiki helpful when looking for trainers.
  10. WolframL

    Learning Different Warrior Stances

    Powers are not tied to class at all as far as using them goes. The only Powers with use restrictions are those linked to specific (types of) equipment or soulbinds. Getting Duelist's Stance for a Warrior is as simple as training with Garth.
  11. WolframL

    URGENT CoC 2 is on Steam

    Bruh... there is literally a rotating banner on the front page of the site announcing that the Steam version exists and linking to the store page. It's been there for four years.
  12. WolframL

    Can you?

    It won't be. Savin has repeatedly stated that removing her brand is beyond the scope of the game. Here's but one example.
  13. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    It's not technically banned but if it fails the 'Will this content piss a lot of people off?' test it's getting vetoed.
  14. WolframL

    Why did Savin take the reins? And yes, Fen not only wrote some content for the game but the character he wrote for is even named after him.
  15. WolframL

    virility at zero

    You either started by picking the Sterile perk or you took Blank Powder at some point. Evergreen can cure the former, Pink Draught the latter.
  16. WolframL

    Gay male content when?

    It's 'niche' in the sense that the vast majority of the players are not interested in it; the devs have metrics beyond 'people posting on the forum' and there's also opportunity cost factors. Would more m/m content appeal to people? Yes. Would that get a few more people playing the game? Maybe...
  17. WolframL

    Gay male content when?

    Whenever someone writes some and it successfully passes through the whole process. The devs are not particularly interested in writing m/m-specific content and the vast majority of the fanbase isn't interested in it, so it's basically all on community writers.
  18. WolframL

    Do minotaurs have a prostate or not?

    This is yet another case where you wouldn't even have to ask the question if you just played the game... What's really funny is that they did ask the exact same question on Discord. Ten days ago. And got the same answer.
  19. WolframL


    Wsan has mentioned that he's committed to writing content for both.