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  1. A

    What content would you like added?

    Thank you, this is ultimately what I was asking for. I may throw my own form of demonic TFs at you, but, i'll probably start with something less ...obvious.
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    Why no female Imps?

    I think you have taken a position that an actual lorekeeper ^see above^ actually adopted, sooo... yeah, don't go with what I said.
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    Were is the Evil options?

    Hi. Is there a better way I should ask for how I should write story content?
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    What content would you like added?

    I appreciate your work on the game, but that response was particularly unhelpful.
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    Why no female Imps?

    My internal idea was that male imps either become incubuses or succbuses, which become onimbuses. The whole purpose is sex, so an imp has to prove its ability to do so first, before it chooses an actual "gender", then it becomes what it wishes once it has mastered spreading corruption.
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    Software dev and writer, where to start?

    Definitely more interested at proving myself as a writer first, but coding is definitely a skill...I just do it all day :/
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    What content would you like added?

    Could we just make this a checklist of stuff that has been completed and hasn't been. Maybe a google doc?
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    Does breaking Kelt prevent 100% Bow skill?

    Kelly, as far as I am aware, does not train. Kelt trains, so you should wait until you have bow skill to 100% if you plan on using it before breaking him.
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    Software dev and writer, where to start?

    I know that for writing I should start working on single encounters and sex scenes, but once that is done, is there anything I should keep stewing in my head? Are software devs even needed?
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    Were is the Evil options?

    So if a writer were to take on scenes in CoC II for corrupted runs, which would you like to see first?
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    How far along is this project?

    Super-excited to hear that, you'd think as a gay boy, that I wouldn't have become quite so into Kiyoko, but she is amazing.