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  1. SeriousBlueJewel

    William's Wall

    I am sending you a digital hug, it sounds like you need one.
  2. SeriousBlueJewel

    [Code] shiftAnyVagina is missing some clits

    The following types are missing a clit count assignment TYPE_KUITAN TYPE_SYNTHETIC TYPE_LAPINARA TYPE_ANEMONE / TYPE_SIREN TYPE_FLOWER TYPE_BOTHRIOC TYPE_SAURMORIAN For the following I have no clue how many clits they are supposed to have so I am assuming they should have a clit count of 1...
  3. SeriousBlueJewel

    [Game Version: 0.9.046-BACKER-ELECTRON#3153] Kattom on Phaendra II

    I know Kattom defaults to savicite if he is in a place where he doesn't have an inventory
  4. SeriousBlueJewel

    [Code] Shouldn't [pc.cockOrStraponFull] use [pc.cockNounComplex] instead of [pc.cock]?

    Currently the [pc.cockOrStraponFull] will output [pc.cock] if Steele has a cock, just like [pc.cockOrStrapon]. However since the [pc.cockOrStraponFull] seems to be intended to give a more wordy parser, shouldn't it output [pc.cockComplex] instead? This could be easily achieved by adjusting the...
  5. SeriousBlueJewel

    [code] Misuse of [tps] parser in hyrax

    During my perusing of the hyrax raider document I noted that the writer, or coder misused the [tps] parser. A parser used for fights. Likely the writer intended for it to be the [singular|] parser. However there would still be some errors that way so here is a list of fixes for them...
  6. SeriousBlueJewel

    [code] parser.plural missplacements

    Just noticed that some tags lack a parser.plural check and others have an unneeded one. Everything is in the creature.js file. I am uncertain about the parsers with "each", "one", and "IsAre" in them, but since "oneCock", "eachCock", and "tailsIsAre" have the calls I am adding them in. All the...
  7. SeriousBlueJewel

    Night Trap's Winery Estate

    If you need help I am fairly well versed in the new parser system, and am willing to help you.
  8. SeriousBlueJewel

    Paragon should refuse to sell Dizzy if they were crossed during the probe retrieval.

    As long as you aren't outright Hostile with Paragon they should agree to sell Dizzy to you for 2 million credits. If you are in their good books she should be sold for 750,000. However if you managed to piss them off (Like by siding with Bright water) they will refuse to sell to you out of...
  9. SeriousBlueJewel

    William's Wall

    It is also sad that William hasn't been of the forum since december.
  10. SeriousBlueJewel

    William's Wall

    Maybe because his older content is personal content, and he is currently obligated to finish his assigned writings for the main game?
  11. SeriousBlueJewel

    [Request] Could it be possible for pregnancies to show up under codex Medical instead?

    Since Gedan and the other coders are currently working on UI updates. I thought this might be the best time to ask this now. Something that has always annoyed me in game is that if you want to check if you managed to get impregnated, or how long you have left in a pregnancy, you have the...
  12. SeriousBlueJewel

    Lucky's Scratching Post!

    Any news on your progress?
  13. SeriousBlueJewel

    TiTs Wiki Thread

    You can use google chrome to deminify
  14. SeriousBlueJewel

    William's Wall

    A month and a half in between posts and it is the same question with different charachters
  15. SeriousBlueJewel

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    Try looking under "Feature".
  16. SeriousBlueJewel

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Honestly speaking I wouldn't be that hard to code, all that's needed is a status effect with a count down timer that stores which cocks have been transformed. If you were to write an Item for it, it wouldn't be to hard to get in mechanically speaking.
  17. SeriousBlueJewel

    [0.9.015] Mitch typos

    Bumping for visibility because it still hasn't been fixed
  18. SeriousBlueJewel

    [0.9.015] Mitch missing else

    Bumping for visibility