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  1. GrinningMadhatter

    Which NPCs would you like to be able to recruit as a companion?

    I'd run a high corruption character just to recruit master tollus at the end of the game if i could, would be a fun companion
  2. GrinningMadhatter

    Wraiths and existential terror

    I will fight you. Tree god is based god, thus best god. Wood for everybody.
  3. GrinningMadhatter

    Wraiths and existential terror

    I mean it's "no soul of their own" which is kind of weird phrasing, and still fits with the fact that 7 just kinda pinched their souls. They do have souls, it just isn't strictly theirs kind of. Also River/Mallach literally bring up that it's Mallach's 'soul' that's keeping em around. I mean...
  4. GrinningMadhatter

    Wraiths and existential terror

    I think the weird thing about the 7 is that they do have souls i think, just that it's a supercluster of the souls they devoured before it coalesced into sentience ie you are what you eat. In this i'm pretty sure wraiths and demons are fundamentally different considering demons lost their souls...
  5. GrinningMadhatter

    Wraiths and existential terror

    I mean for the big 7 they just probably see Kas as an amusing pest to throw champions at for entertainment, prestige and fascination at all the weird soul stuff going on. Winter city may have crossed the line, but it certainly seems the 7 are confident enough in their power they either think Kas...
  6. GrinningMadhatter

    Wraiths and existential terror

    I mean i guess it makes good character building to know this and still contemplate it, but the fridge horror is real. Also i wonder if the cup of water thing was intentional, and whether the keros offer or the conclave was written first.
  7. GrinningMadhatter

    Wraiths and existential terror

    Ah ty, it's a bit weird where the line is drawn between River/Mallach considering he just casually dips into reality
  8. GrinningMadhatter

    Wraiths and existential terror

    Eerily similar to the PC when it comes to gaining traits of what you eat. Suddenly very glad cannibalism isn't on the table because the whole apotheosis by murder was mentioned by Keros to be something that's certainly off the table. Yeah that's pretty mysterious now that i think about it...
  9. GrinningMadhatter

    Icon Sharing Thread

    Think this might be the right one i use for tanks.
  10. GrinningMadhatter

    Wraiths and existential terror

    Well yeah, spoilers. Ignoring the very real horror of soul/flesh devouring monsters that are lurking at the fringes of reality, that are by the events of the winter city seeming to be very eager to get their foot in the door once again, so to say (which makes me wonder if Mareth is getting...
  11. GrinningMadhatter

    favourite and least favourite character in tits.

    Favorites would probably be the the naleen female, bored jumper, the deserter duo Lys/Briha, Roo, Vulriks, Hana, Feruze and last but certainly not least Narc. Apparently i've a huge thing for enemy encounters, or just relationships progressing in unexpected ways. Roo, Feruze and Narc's...