Search results

  1. Susumu

    [WIP] Minz the Raskvel Shack Boy

    This is really neat. But you're writing in past tense a lot of the time. It needs to be changed to present tense.
  2. Susumu

    [Finished] Tetra and Mica, Incestuous Zil Twins

    Always nice to see more zil. Even nicer to see more femboys.
  3. Susumu

    [Halloween Submission] Korgonne Witches

    Thanks for saying so. I hope it gets in, too.
  4. Susumu

    [Halloween Submission] Korgonne Witches

    Hi everybody. I have here a submission for the Halloween contest. I've submitted it in the thread, but in the interest of getting a few more eyeballs on it for comments and feedback, I thought I'd give it its own thread too. Korgonne witches...
  5. Susumu

    Trials in Tainted Space Hallowiener Spunktacular Submission Thread

    Here's my submission. It involves a trio of lusty korgonne witches, along with two sex scenes (one of which branches for those who like to be choosy about their holes). Comments appreciated! Korgonne witches...
  6. Susumu

    Gerbilteam's project list

    I'm so overwhelmingly intrigued by this.