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    A list of unrelated questions

    yeah the wiki as of now doesn't say anything that is correct about breedwell donations. I think I'ma spend some time on fixing that, though that will remove a lot of work people have put up there. Also I think that donation doesn't work as intended as of now - you shouldn't get less overall...
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    Fortification vs Defense

    About evasion - thanks for answering my question, good to know! But by 'damage formula' I meant 'damage received'. So.., how does 'defense' stat work? Is it a percentage decrease or flat - to damage received? or any other formula? I want to evaluate what type of shield is optimal for me.
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    Fortification vs Defense

    How the hell do you calculate your evasion chance? I can't seem to find the hit and damage formula anywhere.
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    Flexibility perk?

    I guess it still hasn't been fixed?
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    Where can I find the original files for all the bust pictures?

    Basically, people did what people do. Got it, thanks.
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    Where can I find the original files for all the bust pictures?

    Thanks a lot for the new github page. Umm, could you elaborate on why we can't have nice things? Is the Trello page now a Patreon exclusive or sth?
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    Where can I find the original files for all the bust pictures?

    Wiki is quite outdated. For a bust to appear on wiki someone must first upload it there. Better than nothing, but if developers have a project page with all the resources, that would be much better. Speaking of which, project page on github hasn't been updated for 2 years, so that's the reason...
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    Where can I find the original files for all the bust pictures?

    Looks like those links no longer work. Where can I get the busts now?
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    Does Fisiana's Sex Bet Work?

    How do I snuggle with her using hardlight panties? I'm still pretty much confused. Edit: Ok, so I triggered the snuggle scene though I still feel confused how. Cuddled with her till the late evening probably. Is there a random chance or something of this happening?
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    New Fisianna Scenes

    The question is: how do I give Fisi the panties?