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  1. Pursang

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Why have lore? Why have a story? Why painstakingly build a world as a playground for the player to have fun in? You're absolutely right to imply that women can be just as strong and smart as men. One hundred-percent. That's not my issue. I like the game for more than the fantastic sex scenes...
  2. Pursang

    Your gripes with CoC II

    On the contrary. I'm neither demanding anything, nor am I ignoring any points brought up by anyone - you included. I am merely stating my opinion - which, I would be the first to say is imperfect. But if anyone can change my mind, I would welcome it.
  3. Pursang

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Apologies for the double-reply, I wasn't sure if there was a max word-count for each post. I'm quite aware of Belhar and its role in The Godswar. However, what isn't clear is why there is no replacement for the Belharan Empire after hundreds of years. Nor is it clear that there have been much...
  4. Pursang

    Your gripes with CoC II

    This is true, a fantasy doesn't need to make sense. Now, I could say: "G'lbrk of the Thun-Run-Ill halak'd thirty-two paces so that it could zz'grob-nagh-FOL." And say this is an excerpt from a fantasy book. But I'd be a fool if I got mad at anyone for complaining that what I just said was...
  5. Pursang

    Your gripes with CoC II

    So, according to the data that you yourself provided, over 20% of the women encountered in this game have a penis. That's a great deal more than the 0.6% of people 13 and older who identify as trans in the United States alone (read: All trans people, not just trans women.) I never implied that...
  6. Pursang

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Hello friends. I’d like to preface what I’m about to say with the fact that I love CoC 2 (and of course CoC 1 and TiTS) and I’ve been playing and enjoying these games for many years. I understand that there is an incredible amount of hard work and talent that goes into developing this game. By...
  7. Pursang


    We'll have to agree to disagree. :)
  8. Pursang

    What content would you like added?

    I could see forced/permanent TFs working if you can disable them in the options menu.
  9. Pursang

    Can we have Vanilla Elves back? (Or how 'Wyld Elf' invalidates the concept of 'Starting Race')

    If we have “stereotypicaly awful” humans, and “steoretypicaly awful” orcs, I don’t think it’s a stretch for someone to wonder why you can't be a “stereotypicaly awful” elf. I wish we had a solid answer for you, OP, but I’m going to chalk this decision down to design intent.
  10. Pursang

    Can we have Vanilla Elves back? (Or how 'Wyld Elf' invalidates the concept of 'Starting Race')

    Am Iwrong in assumng that pale elves are closer to “vanilla elves” than wyld elves? I wonder if they can be made an option, as I recall they’re more reclusive than wyld elves. Perhaps as part of a new game + mode sometime in the future?
  11. Pursang


    You make some good points, but the main thrust of your argument is flawed. A potter doesn't throw away the clay because he sculpted it into something that other people say could be done better; he takes the clay and reworks it until he's satisfied with the end result because the clay itself is...
  12. Pursang


    What a clever, mature response. I apologize to you and everyone else for wanting to encourage people to write. As we all know, people magically become better at writing if you provide them with enough negative reinforcement - that's how that works, right? It's kind of like tidal waves, or magnets!
  13. Pursang


    Heh, nothing more discouraging then having someone tell you that your idea has no merit whatsoever. It's rough around the edges, sure, but it can be salvaged. Remove the Lethice/Mareth connection and either have Kasyrra replace Lethice, or go further and have Noel be an ancient entity that...
  14. Pursang


    Taken from another thread, things may change but this seems to be the rough outline of the zones and the order the player goes to them. I assume they're working on and planning to complete each zone before going to the next one so you may only be able to outline when and generally where Noel and...
  15. Pursang


    I suppose it would depend on how often and were they spawn. Like, maybe instead of having it completely random you can have them do a circuit of the Frost Marches and have them spawn at certain spots at certain times of the day/week. For instance have them spawn in Tile 7 of the Forest region at...
  16. Pursang

    Conversation Battles: A Duel of Wits

  17. Pursang


    Maybe you can rework them to be a sort of traveling merchant in the same vein as Kattom or Giacomo that sells randomized or perhaps specialized potions/ingredients? It would make for a nice bit of convenience for the player not having to go back to town every time they want to check out the...
  18. Pursang

    Character Customization in the form of Mechanics & Player Agency

    You've brought up a few good points and I agree with most of what you said, but: There's two simple reasons for locking different kinds of abilities to certain slots, namely balance and player skill. When you have quite a few abilities that do different things and are interacted with in...
  19. Pursang

    Party Sex

    Hmm, not sure I understand your argument. Just because there's magic and gods in this fictional world doesn't mean that a character can't be portrayed in a consistent and logical way in regards to said world. You may only view these games as a way to get from sex scene to sex scene and that's...
  20. Pursang

    Party Sex

    You all are underselling both Anno and Cait and how they're written, I think. Yes, if you look at the surface they're both bubbly large-breasted human-animal hybrids with estranged sisters and an aversion to monogamy - but that's only surface detail. Anno is a smart and resourceful tom-boy...