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  1. Fr0sty

    [WIP] Vulriks, the Black Market Dealer.

    New project I've been working on for the Zheng Shi Rec Deck. Basic gist is he's a big dick birdman who'll act as a merchant of sorts. While all of his core writing is complete, I'll be the first to admit its rough at the moment and for sure needs to be tuned up. Vulriks...
  2. Fr0sty

    [Editors Wanted] The Horror from Beyond

    While I didn't particularly want to post this out here (I wanted to make it a surprise), it's been suggested internally that this project could use some work. So, I'm putting this out in hopes some of you chaps might take a gander at it and help improve it. Warning: It's weird, but parts of it I...
  3. Fr0sty

    [Finished] Tessa Expac.

    Welp. After long hours of toiling away, I've finally finished up my first wave of expansion content for Tessa. If you want to take a looksee, and see what's in store, here ya go. Tessa 2: But if you don't...
  4. Fr0sty

    Ideal Sex Scene Length.

    While reading through some smutty scenes, I've started to notice that writers tend to write up their sex scenes with huge differences in length between each other. Some write short blurbs, made up of only a few paragraphs, while others write behemoth pieces that require significant scrolling...
  5. Fr0sty

    [Submitted] ExtraMeet

    So after many weeks of on and off work, I've finally gotten this project to a point I feel I can share progress. I originally pitched this idea over in the Idea section, and it seemed to be fairly well received. The project is still a big WIP, and I don't expect to fully complete it for awhile...
  6. Fr0sty

    ExtraMeet: Tinder in Space!

    Let me start by saying "Yes. I do plan on writing this, if people think it's a good idea and want to see it." So while I have my current project's submission pending, I've decided to put out there an idea I've had brewing for awhile. Space Tinder! Made a quick Proposal Doc detailing exactly...
  7. Fr0sty

    [Submitted] Tessa, The White Woman.

    Hello there! A few weeks ago, I started work on a character and was sharing my progress over in the "Ideas" sub-forum. About a week ago I finished up everything I wanted to do with the character (for now), and let it sit for a bit. While it is "done", I still think it might need a bit of fine...
  8. Fr0sty

    [WIP] Tessa, The White Woman.

    Hello there! New guy, here. Well been a lurker and a player for years, so can I really say I'm new? Anyways, for almost as long as I've been lurkin', I've been trying to think up ways to contribute. I've had a number of ideas over the years, but always come to my senses and realize they're...