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  1. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    I have a discord server with some rpers, one of which is a dm like you're looking for. They'll...

    I have a discord server with some rpers, one of which is a dm like you're looking for. They'll write a precious persistent world, with lots of wondrous characters for you to meet and have fun with. If you're interested, I'm ShinyHappyFitsOfRage#0361 on discord.
  2. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    Looking for a DM

    Are you dead set on DnD mechanics, or would you be unopposed to something without all the sheets and rolls?
  3. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    Image Pack

    Ah, thank you. So it's just base game, with extended image sets for certain scenes.
  4. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    Image Pack

    I open the image pack in a swf player, and it seems to just give me the normal game. Can someone explain the purpose/use of the image pack to me? I feel like I'm missing something basic.
  5. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    A Saint and a Sinner

    Gwyllgi stopped, and hissed, then hopped around holding her foot for a few minutes. That smarted... whatever was holding this door was seriously tough stuff. She'd punched a hole in it, she could get it open eventually, but it was going to be loud, and it was going to take a ridiculously long...
  6. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    A Saint and a Sinner

    Gwyllgi blinked, after the booming concussion of her fist impacting the door, looking at the hole she'd left. She frowned. "Well, shit. It'll take a while, but I should be able to get it open, eh?" She'd wind up for a very strong kick, trying to bust it in at the hinges. This was one tough door.
  7. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    A Saint and a Sinner

    Gwyllgi was not versed in orthodox lore. She had never opened the local holy scripture in her life, let alone be immersed in popular religious culture. No, this was utterly and entirely foreign to her, and the hint meant absolutely nothing to her. So, she punched it. Meaning to say, she...
  8. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    A Saint and a Sinner

    The underground was far more spartan than the rest of the cathedral. They didn't care about appearances down here. That was the kind of world Gwyllgi was more used to. Beauty was a rare thing in the Hell's, and she felt right at home. She was grinning ear to ear, her expression almost feral, and...
  9. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    A Saint and a Sinner

    Gwyllgi blinked at the statue. She guessed it was more top heavy than it looked, because she'd expected it to slide. She hadn't pushed from terribly high, either. Well, oops. She watched Mirth drift off conveniently, then shrugged. Well, it was just a statue. Maybe her mend wasn't good enough to...
  10. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    A Saint and a Sinner

    Gwyllgi came, pressing Mirthyll to the rack, and then let her slide to the floor. She had barely broken a sweat... Gwyllgi wiggled her fingers over her habit, and the clothing knitted its self back into shape before Mirthyll's very eyes. Afterwards, she'd pause a moment, giving it some thought...
  11. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    A Saint and a Sinner

    Gwyllgi had a hell of a rack for Mirthyll to play with. D's, generous and extremely soft, with piquent nipples, seemingly untouched by the effects of gravity. Her body was tight and nubile, though there were undoubtedly mystical, supernatural aspects at work there. And Mirthyll was tight, as...
  12. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    A Saint and a Sinner

    Gwyllgi was always one to push. She was pushy... and Mirthyll's lack of resistance might as well have been consent. Gwyllgi grinned, and pressed her against a wall, tearing off half her habit in her excitement, revealing her body. Gwyllgi tore her own clothes too, getting her cock out as quickly...
  13. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    A Saint and a Sinner

    Cider... she loved that smell. "Mhmm... I've always loved apples." She tapped sealed casks as she went, some of them hard oak, holding a harder cider. Alcohol was a wondrous preservative, when you couldn't halt the effects of entropy with magic. Even if sisters of the cloth didn't often imbibe...
  14. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    A Saint and a Sinner

    Gwyllgi scratched her chin, at the question. "I suppose not. I don't like the smell of bird crap particularly much, but I'm sure it can be nice and cool up there with the open windows!" She digested those first words well... in case the cathedral needs the help of the church. Meaning, there was...
  15. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    A Saint and a Sinner

    Gwyllgi's eyes dilated. It was a lot like a cat, when they saw something to pounce on. The little irises just absolutely filled up her eyes, and she grinned big. A trapdoor, with a big statue over it?! Yes, yes, yes! She was giddy with anticipation! That's the kind of adventure she craved! She'd...
  16. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    A Saint and a Sinner

    Gwyllgi stuck with honesty on this one. On an impulse, mostly, she simply gave her real name. "I'm Gwyllgi! Nice to meetcha!" She sure didn't have the acting down for a sister of the cloth. In fact, she likely didn't have any acting skill whatsoever. Something about that 'nowoman' joke made...
  17. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    A Saint and a Sinner

    Gwyllgi blinked as she took her arm. "Well, um... my... place. I guess. Ah, is there a cellar beneath the church, perhaps? Somewhere cooler, you know. I'll even take a mausoleum at this point, as long as I can cool off." That should be a believable excuse... and perhaps give her a chance to...
  18. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    A Saint and a Sinner

    Gwyllgi just stared for a moment. Her eyes flicked side to side. She... knew she was new? She wondered what the circumstances behind that were. "Ah... uh, yes, please! I would be very grateful!" She'd even dip a little curtsy, quite honestly grateful for the aid. She was quite lost on her own.
  19. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    A Saint and a Sinner

    Gwyllgi blinked. She heard the voice, then knew she was in danger. She quickly hid her hand behind her back as she spun around, wide eyed and somewhat dazed as her mind tried to flip from pointless introspection to keeping up appearances. "Ah, uh, me? I..." She looked around, trying to find an...
  20. ShinyHappyFitsOfRage

    A Saint and a Sinner

    Gwyllgi looked up at the statue, with its serene smile, and felt horridly mocked. She frowned. "You're a big stupid head! Racist!" She stuck her tongue out at the statue. "Y'know, I'm only half devil. Not that I have any clue what the other half is." Why was she telling the statue her life's...