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  1. DanganRonper

    FoE M/M fanfiction

    Chapter 1 After some time thinking how I would structure the story I decided to write in encounters: instead of telling every moment of the character's life I am gonna split it by people he...
  2. DanganRonper

    FoE Ultimate Compendium (Major Spoilers, for writers only)

    Wow, thanks! This also make it easier to write fics once you know the direction the story is going.
  3. DanganRonper

    FoE M/M fanfiction

    Woopsie, I think I fixed it now I never used google docs before so I didn't notice, my bad.
  4. DanganRonper

    FoE M/M fanfiction The prologue is finished! There isn't much new content, just the talk with Uru and Aria. A few notes for the readers: The sex scenes can be a bit "overboard" as to what is humanly possible, the...