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  1. shrikes

    [0.9.082-BACKER#4204] post cure Amber bath scene

    Hey, all. Ran into a few parsers left in the open during Amber's post-cure bath scene. I'll include text as well as screenshots: Shower with Amber: “A-ahh! Sorry!” Amber stammers out in surprise. You look up to her, but before you could ask her what’s wrong, you finally realize that the...
  2. shrikes

    [0.9.065-BACKER#3675] Weird "teleportation" glitch.

    Okay, I've been noticing a strange glitch where the game thinks you're in a completely different place. I've been trying to find a way to consistently replicate it but can't. It has something to do with the appearance screen, where after you exit, the game thinks you're back at a recently...
  3. shrikes

    [0.9.064-BACKER#3656] New Seigwulfe parser typo

    the first page of the new belly ride scene throws this error: ERROR: COULD NOT FIND ATTRIBUTE "raceCureShort" FOR OBJ "pc" I think there was a typo and it should probably be: "raceCuteShort" rather than "raceCureShort"
  4. shrikes

    [0.9.051-BACKER#3305] Minimap Input Autopathing only moves one space

    I have Autopathing enabled in [Options] > [Controls], but when I click on my desired destination on the minimap, it only moves one square. it always heads towards the destination, but only moves one square at a time. I tried this on Firefox and Chrome with the same results.
  5. shrikes

    [0.9.048-BACKER#3207] Crash while fighting the Black Void with Riya and Grence

    Critical Error A critical error has occurred. Please create a bug report on the forums here. Please include what you did before the error and a screen-shot or copy-paste of the error message below: Version: 0.9.048-BACKER#3207 Message: t is undefined Stack...
  6. shrikes

    [ 0.9.034-BACKER#2833] Riya doesn't seem to detect non-human Steeles

    As much as I love seeing Riya be nice to my Steele, I normally start out as a Half-Ausar, and when I speak to Riya, it says we hit it off, isn't threatening or condescending, and doesn't bring up the chance to call out her racism. Could this have been a result of the rework to the genetic...
  7. shrikes

    [0.9.033-BACKER#2821] Kattom inside Korg'ii Hold?

    I've just encountered Kattom at the bottom most floor of Korg'ii Hold, and I don't think he's supposed to be there, so I'm gonna chance it and say this could be a bug.
  8. shrikes

    Save screen information side panel

    I'm not too sure where to put this as it's not an idea, or a bug, really so i'll just stick it here. When Geddy added the autosave feature (which I really love, btw), we lost the left side info panel that told us the current day, time and location. I find this very useful to have on the save...
  9. shrikes

    [Version: 0.9.002-BACKER#2105] My female Steele was able to knock up Sela

    My female Steele has hardlight underwear and I figured that was what the rough fuck scene was referencing, so I was really confused by the mail telling me Sela was pregnant.
  10. shrikes

    Game Recommendations for Lockdown/Quarantine life?

    I was wondering if anyone out there could give me a recommendation to other smutty games? I obviously like TITS and COC2, but the other games I play frequently are: Lilith's Throne by Innoxia, Haramase Simulator (apparently it's not dead), Harem Hotel by Runey, Roundscape Adorevia by Kaliyo...
  11. shrikes

    Codex Stats and where to find them on the wiki

    Hey, fellas. In an effort to save scum a "Swiss Army Knife" Capt. Steele in order to access as many scenes as I can with a single character, I have come across a bit of a discrepancy with the in-game codex statistics and the names on the wiki, that I would like some help clarifying. This is...