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  1. Archangel Blackswan

    [Submitted] New scene for Shelly

    thanks, both issues you highlighted are now fixed. glad you like it. i have to admit that there aren't many scenes for girl on girl action. Maybe if this scene is successful i'll go ahead and write more. I'm already thinking of writing for the Halloween contest.
  2. Archangel Blackswan

    [Submitted] New scene for Shelly

    Cheers, I've just done that. now to hope it makes the grade. And with that the piece is submitted, Thank you all for the help and i hope to write more soon.
  3. Archangel Blackswan

    [Submitted] New scene for Shelly

    Cool, i think based on the tweaks implemented and nobody shooting down grammar etc, I think i can say the scene is ready for submission. As this is the first piece I've submitted, Is there anything i need to do to get the scene officially submitted?
  4. Archangel Blackswan

    [Submitted] New scene for Shelly

    Cool, ill go ahead and tweak the end texts to reflect that. I'll update the texts to reflect that, I was working off the TiTsED program for finding flags/variables as there's so many to account for. I wanted to make a scene that at least mentioned some of the more uncommon transformations for...
  5. Archangel Blackswan

    [Submitted] New scene for Shelly

    Hello again. Firstly i'd like to say i'm glad to be back. Lengthy downtime has been annoying and only recently has my IRL work schedule let up enough for me to give this scene a go. A long time ago i made a poll, asking what simple scene add-ons people would like to see. (Original Post Here)...
  6. Archangel Blackswan

    Some Scene Additions

    Agreed, i wouldn't want to step on any toes with any scene, when i get a consensus on which scenes people want to see i shall ensure that it's run past the relevant authors. (Also i'd want to make sure i portray the characters accurately so i'd likely have some questions about the character(s)...
  7. Archangel Blackswan

    Some Scene Additions

    HI all, new to the forums here and i have some ideas for some scenes i'd like to run past people. Depending on which ones gain traction, i will attempt to write them myself (after checking that adding them won't break already decided upon content etc). I'm going to keep my submissions small for...
  8. Archangel Blackswan

    Simple Scene Submissions

    Hi all, Fairly new to the forums but i would love to try to help with smaller scene additions. Had some ideas on where to start too. Seeing so many fans of the Dorna sisters wanting condomless fun with them, This may be a scene addition that could be easily implemented yet have a big impact...