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  1. Mustang Flex

    CoC Mods Hub Discord Server

    The server just took a pretty serious turn for the shit side of things. Honestly Endless Journey is about the only project that'd be worth sticking around for if it had anything aside from a half done conversion from Xianxia and, y'know had updates or even posts stating things are getting done...
  2. Mustang Flex

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    I figure it would make sense to have your stats come back over some time after you pop your mewling spawn out.
  3. Mustang Flex

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    I haven't been following this all that closely, but is anyone working on completing the Prison content that got hidden from the game a few versions ago?
  4. Mustang Flex

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Yo, is the Stat points per day feature supposed to be so high? I'm getting 15 points every day at level one.
  5. Mustang Flex

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Google "flash player projector".
  6. Mustang Flex

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    I've been getting the same bug.
  7. Mustang Flex

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Hey, I recently got into this mod, and I was wondering if there's any kind of wiki or player guide someone put together.
  8. Mustang Flex

    Any update on Psionics?

    Just shooting an idea out, A starting Psi class could be a sort of Monk/martial artist class. Something that focuses on improving willpower and the like. It could explain why a character would be a "Psi" class, but not start out with any psi abilities. Or, maybe a psi adept does start with psi...
  9. Mustang Flex

    Idea for Overhaul Mod

    With the state of CoC's code, you'd probs be better off building a new game system entirely. You could still model the game's mechanics and UI after CoC, but it's code is really a mess.
  10. Mustang Flex

    Question about future game mechanics.

    Right...skipping the brain bleach, someone get me some gasoline. 
  11. Mustang Flex

    Dynamic Avatar Drawing Tool (Character Viewer)

    They look a lot better with eyebrows. I think they've upgraded from mannequins with human skin stretched over them to human corpses made into mannequins.
  12. Mustang Flex

    Dynamic Avatar Drawing Tool (Character Viewer)

    Okay, the faces don't look like soulless automatons, begging for the release of death.
  13. Mustang Flex

    What kind of Champion are you?!

    I may have been watching that before starting my latest playthrough.
  14. Mustang Flex

    About "SIDE TREK GAME"

    Yeah, that game's deader than my right nut, better luck next time.
  15. Mustang Flex

    What kind of Champion are you?!

    My champion is known by many names, Mountain Slayer, Thunder Lion, The Chocolate Axe, but you, may call him Tiffany. Tiffany is an 9 foot tall Minotaur who started as a woman, but changed to a man later on. With the physical and mental prowess of a brick wall, Tiffany uses a big ass axe as a...
  16. Mustang Flex

    CoC RPG XP

    Not gonna lie, it's because it is a suicide mission. Even so, I'll not say "good luck". Instead I'll say "prove me wrong"
  17. Mustang Flex

    How did you come up with your usernames?

    I read an article on the 25 least inspiring military operation names. Operation mustang flex was #2, and I just couldn't resist using it in something.
  18. Mustang Flex

    XCOM 2 Who's ready to blast some xenos ass?
  19. Mustang Flex


    Well, there's your first problem.
  20. Mustang Flex

    More beast-ey scenes?

    Shhh, don't think about logical inconsistencies.