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  1. S

    Looking for another player for Pathfinder ERP

    games run on on tuesdays, thursdays, and saturdays on a "If enough people can make it" basis.
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    Looking for another player for Pathfinder ERP

    The game takes place on Roll20, though we do have a discord
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    Looking for another player for Pathfinder ERP

    All official pathfinder content as well as occasional third party content is permitted as long as players run it by me first for approval.
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    Looking for another player for Pathfinder ERP

    My group have been playing an ERP version of a Pathfinder AP for a while now, and are close to the campaign's conclusion, but one of our players had to drop out due to real life getting in the way. I'm looking for one or two players to round out our group and help us finish the story! Game is a...
  5. S

    Looking for Players for a Pathfinder ERP

    I already have one person, but I am willing to take on two more, PM me your discord tags and I'll get back to you later.
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    Looking for Players for a Pathfinder ERP

    Alright, we've recieved our first acceptance, but we still have a slot open. Any takers?
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    Looking for Players for a Pathfinder ERP

    Still looking for players.
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    Looking for Players for a Pathfinder ERP

    Also, game will be Roll20 based, though text chat only.
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    Looking for Players for a Pathfinder ERP

    So one of the players in my game quit recently, which left the party a little on the weak side for the challenges ahead. Game is a ERP modification of the Jade Regent Adventure path, and the party is on book 5, so you'll be starting at a pretty high level. The game has major themes of moral...
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    Return of the Gynomorphs

    I know that feel, taco. How goes the project, by the way?
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    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I could see that. Then again, Briget is directly involved with a full nursery, subject to inspection and whatnot. She'd have to hide you away while she breaks you in.
  12. S

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    An ageplay femdom path for Briget when she is fully implemented where she babies you. Also possibly with a bad end where you willingly choose to remain with her and be her horny baby forever.