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  1. NeverWorks

    Wsan writing

    I'd suggest just giving Siegwulfe a cheat like Mitzi. So typing 'bimbulfe' equips you with the upgraded Siegwulfe and immediately prompts you for a name. People who use it will miss out on the nice introductory reaming, but it means they don't have to savescum just to get her, like I did. (and...
  2. NeverWorks

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    Oh, interesting. It looks like it only works on armors that can already change values in-game. So it works on the Goo Armor and Omnisuit collar, but probably not any others. I hadn't noticed because those were the only two I was interested in using. So if we ever get a weapon that can upgrade...
  3. NeverWorks

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    You need to have the armor you want edited already equipped in your save file. Then you go under Characters > PC > armor. Here you can set values for fortification, sexiness, evasion, crit bonus, etc. There's also a set of resistances you can edit here; just switch all of the individual values...
  4. NeverWorks

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    Probably not weapons, but it's possible to edit Armor values using Minerva. I don't think it's possible in this save editor yet, but with Minerva I was able to give my Goo Armor 100% resistance to everything, and 100 sexiness, fortification, evasion, crit bonus, defense, shield defense, shields...
  5. NeverWorks

    What's on your Steele's "To Do" list?

    Twins. Gender negotiable Hand So My cousin Steph Irson, cumming to you live
  6. NeverWorks

    [Completed] "Straps" a Male Clothing and Mod Store on New Texas

    I edited through the first 18 pages, but I need to turn in for the night. I mostly caught simple grammar errors, phrasing issues, and past tense instead of present. I tried not to touch dialogue, except where it needed to be changed to make sense, or to fix commas and periods. Also, I tried to...
  7. NeverWorks

    Ship Stuff that needs a conversation.

    Awww shucks, I was hoping our ship would turn out more like the others we've been able to explore. So ship upgrades will basically increase max crew size and ship combat capabilities and that's all? I guess we'll have to get creative with the ship menu system then. Hrmmm..... That changes up the...
  8. NeverWorks

    Ship Stuff that needs a conversation.

    The ship combat seems sort of cool, but I'm eagerly awaiting the addition of rooms. I feel like I'm piloting a closet. It'd feel great to be able to visit the kitchen, holo-deck, armory, and see the followers hanging out in different spots and rooms. I just really want to upgrade my Spaceshit.
  9. NeverWorks

    JimThermic's Project List

    Let's let Doctor Badger and Doctor Lash run the nursery together. I'm sure nothing could possibly go wrong.
  10. NeverWorks

    What do you name Captain Steele?

    My Steele is always human, but I like using animal names or animal part names for my Steele characters. My last character was a girl named Terri whose name came about when I thought of a Jack Terrier. I've had male characters named Jag, from Jaguar, Ante, from Antelope, Axol from Axolotl. I've...
  11. NeverWorks

    Den of Scum and Villainy: Ash

    It's gender-neutral. Ashton, Asher, heck, there are even guys named Ashley.
  12. NeverWorks

    Rut/Heat Mechanics?

    Yeah, I was going to mention that bit, but didn't really think it fit in with exhibitionism as it existed in game. There's always the power fantasy of being overwhelmingly sexual and appealing to everyone you meet, which is sort of the idea behind the teases in game (heck, behind half the game...
  13. NeverWorks

    Rut/Heat Mechanics?

    Ah, I get what you mean. Traditional society doesn't mean they're any less kinky? My original vanilla comment was mostly about their anatomy and society. They're not Amazonian warriors, they're not multi-dicked dragons, they (presumably) don't have sexual gladiator fights to determine their...
  14. NeverWorks

    Pyrite Station, the gambling planet

    Maybe... The Junk Hunk? The guy who's good with his hands, always has a project he's working on, gets most excited to try fixing things, and has some hefty equipment of his own. Liable to take a break from working on a vehicle to bang you over the hood, often seen sweating and wearing tank tops...
  15. NeverWorks

    Rut/Heat Mechanics?

    Heck, I'd argue it makes it better. Taboo and novelty are big appeals with most weird shit, but by the time you're waist-deep in the tentacles of some multi-dicked mind-controlling abstractly sentient alien life form, the subtler forms of kink and depravation start getting stale. It says...
  16. NeverWorks

    Rut/Heat Mechanics?

    I'd say it's a good thing. The universe at large gets weird once in a while, what with all the races and mods floating around. You never know who is what race anymore. Kind of refreshing to know that with one race at least, what you see is what you get. Makes them stand out. Add that to the lore...
  17. NeverWorks

    Rut/Heat Mechanics?

    Yeah, pretty much this. In real life, exhibitionism is mostly about using sexuality to shock or disgust random people, with the thrill of possibly getting caught adding to the appeal, and is not exactly glamorous. In erotic fiction, exhibitionism is more of a subset of masochism, and the appeal...
  18. NeverWorks

    Rut/Heat Mechanics?

    Well, CoC made teasing increase your own lust if you were an exhibitionist. Similar mechanics could include gaining lust over time if you have an audience viewing a risqué fight, or increased susceptibility to certain enemy teases. Other than that, there could be bad ends make easier for...
  19. NeverWorks

    Rut/Heat Mechanics?

    Yeah, it doesn't really have the "against my will" feel of most addictions, but in game it functions as an addiction. The PC starts at 0/100, certain acts increase that number, and the number will go down slowly over time if the PC doesn't indulge in it. Plus, the in-game text even refers to it...
  20. NeverWorks

    Rut/Heat Mechanics?

    Yeah, addiction stuff is nice. It seems like Exhibitionism is considered an addiction, but that's the only one that's functionally in-game that comes to mind. Though red myr venom should be in soon. There are at least two high-libido scenes with Anno and the male raskvel that are similar to...