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  1. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    Are there any sex scenes on good path? o,o @RyenSaotome Havent tried good path yet.
  2. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    hmm Waiting for new update and than I start playing from the beginning again. o,o I hope there will be enough new stuff, because this game is really interesting.. o,o
  3. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    But I always start from the beginning, so Than i can't replay her scene.. :eek: edit 1: Why not add Holiday tab to scenes? o,o edit 2:@RyenSaotome I had question, but i forgot to ask yesterday, do you plan to add more countrys?
  4. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    Its so hard... To play new update.. Because every minute i play new update I want to start from the beginning, but im not sure if there are that much new stuff to do, to start playing from the beginning again. o,o
  5. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    spelling is wrong here, doint not doing.
  6. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    @RyenSaotome I wanted to ask this before, but will there be option about taking over some country? o,o
  7. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    @RyenSaotome Any idea yet, how many new female characters you will add to the current ones? So when time skip will be available I will need to play from the beginning and then save before throne succession. o,o just to see which one of them is best. o,o Best one would be for Ryen to take over...
  8. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    @RyenSaotome Can i get to them at this moment? ^^ edit: after mai and dea meet I can't go to Dea's room, but door is open. o,o is it bugged or its supposed to be like this? edit: Does it matter which one you choose to help in Amagal Succession quest? o,o edit: I just thought hardest and...
  9. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    @RyenSaotome I have been wanting to ask this long time, but will we get more playable characters? o,o Like female version of Grey or something? o,o edit: tried only update files and got this after using save file and tried to leave castle from front gate. edit: sorry did copy files to Renryuu...
  10. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    @Zarqupang I think its not possible, atleast right now, because there is no option to tell who you are from the start and you get little annoyed, because of her actions and so you get on dark path with her I guess.
  11. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    @RyenSaotome I meant like map is as zoomed in as it is right now, but if you hold mouse button down you can move the map to different map area. like google map maps are.
  12. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    Diplomat quest? o,o Ohh you mean quest between Real king and the guy who runs country right now? o,o edit: I hope there will be quests to take over all 3 countrys... but ofc Begus is closest to that... Or maybe new country will Join soon? :eek: Edit: @RyenSaotome Can you make shortcut key to...
  13. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    ohh Thanks, I thougth that if i wanted meeting it would be like first one, just talk one time with Sir Theremis, but it seems i needed to speak 2 times for second meeting. Thank you! :) Edit: Lol i was waiting for that to happen.. marriage between Queen of Begus and Ryen.. and Ryen would be...
  14. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    @RyenSaotome how can i trigger 106. Royal Invitation Quest? Doesnt seem like it will appear on that desk where i got some quests before. and What about that Wolfgirl in Spire of Courage challenge mode, does she move somehow and we can go behind her? Everything else done, atleast as much as i...
  15. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    @RyenSaotome So I have to make everyone pregnant before story will continue? nice.. And Final battle will be.. Ryen and his children vs Titans xD edit: found best place in Dorgania... Dark Elf village or Just Elf village.. :D
  16. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    @RyenSaotome maybe when you finish the game than, but I had one question, will you change earily game scenes in future or keep same? Earth spirit and etc.
  17. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    @RyenSaotome about that cambling, Would it not be better if 3 big cups would appear on screen and be like real mini-game? Like that quest win 20 times and more wins you have in quest the faster the cups change places? o,o
  18. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    oky didnt Expect Hijikata.. Historical japanese lord or army commandor? I dont remember? xd but nice one.. :D I wish Nobunaga would be here too.. :D edit: @RyenSaotome I have problem.. When I have done everything with Elly, but when I travel to Dorgania on ship and talking with her, she is...
  19. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    @RyenSaotome I meant to that relative stuff, because nobody really seems to care if he is really relative to the old king.. At the beginning Trey said something at first meeting, but after that.. nothing really :D. edit: @RyenSaotome first time going to Dorgania today o,o.
  20. JakelEst

    [RPG] Renryuu: Ascension

    I was just reading posts and found there were presents placed all over the world?? But i guess, not anymore, because its not chrismas? o,o Edit: hmm i started playing again and got to that half-elf half-demon and i got one question...How would Ryan even be relative to the king? Because Ryan...