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  1. WolframL

    Alypia's Content Corner

    I saw that, looking forward to it! Awwwwwwww. Right back on the Hype Train we go.
  2. WolframL

    Raphael in CoC2

    CoC2 Raphael is explicitly a deconstruction of the character from the original, not the same person. There isn't going to be actual character crossover with one exception. Okay, and maybe some sly references and cameos.
  3. WolframL

    Broken crown?

    Coming Soon (tm). Given that we're still waiting on whatever is involved in fixing up Jael'yn's sword with its missing charms (for another WC-related plot thread) 'soon' could be quite some time. We just don't know yet.
  4. WolframL

    CoC2 Save Editor

    Uhhhh, no, they default you to one of the starting races. Everything else is up to you and 'Chimera' is where it slots you if it can't assign you to one of the existing categories. What sort of TFing have you done in-game and/or via monkeying with the code?
  5. WolframL

    *RANT* Does anyone else dislike the Kitsune in this game more and more as this go on? *Spoilers*

    Have you seen all the resolutions to the Specter of the Wyld quest?
  6. WolframL

    CoC2 Save Editor

    Don't TF yourself with enough mixing and matching of traits that the code can't assign you to one of the other racial types?
  7. WolframL

    "Divine" Powers

    Yeah, you've got the right idea. When the description talks about bonus damage (as both of those do) what it means is that the damage from your attack is calculated normally and then some amount of extra damage (with the Holy elemental tag in these cases) is added to determine how much you...
  8. WolframL

    the k.o.t's Crackpot theory

    So you necro'd your own shitposting topic to shitpost some more? Well done...
  9. WolframL


    The Frost Marches are remote enough that one can't simply whistle up a large force of trained fighters on short notice. The nearest population center that might be able to offer aid is Khor'minos and after what happened the last time they stuck their necks out as good neighbors it's hard to...
  10. WolframL

    How about Einen?

    They're pretty damned influential on most fantasy for the last fifty years, so they might be worth at least a skim. The stories are more cynical in part because they were deconstructing a lot of earlier works and there was a conscious effort to make its protagonists more realistic characters.
  11. WolframL

    Alypia's Content Corner

    Choo choo, all aboard the Hype Train! We don't know where it's going but we wanna go there.
  12. WolframL

    How about Einen?

    Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser.
  13. WolframL

    Mino Cum Addiction?

    Frankly, I'm not sure my female Thief would even notice the difference if everyone in Khor'minos suddenly came down with hyper-addictive cum, seeing that her long-term plan is to settle down there with Brint anyways and she might as well be addicted to him. Maybe spend a few more hours a day...
  14. WolframL

    How about Einen?

    But... she doesn't have grey hair and I'm willing to bet she isn't naming her dagger cat's claw.. :p
  15. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    Like the devs have been clear that there will never be any more starting races (or any more classes period) they've repeatedly said that TF-based powers are going to be uncommon and deliberately weak because they want to avoid the problem CoC1 had where certain body types were objectively...
  16. WolframL

    About Corruption

    You might find this topic (and the main design doc) useful reading. Of particular note is Wsan's comment (which you can find other writers saying elsewhere on the forum) about how Corruption is new in Savarra and we're only just hitting the point in the plot where it makes sense for it to start...
  17. WolframL

    Other characters from CoC1?

    He's not the same character but a deconstruction of them, and in general there will be no returning characters. The Observer was even more explicit about it here, while also naming the exception that proves the rule. There are some cameos in one part of the game and some sly references if you...
  18. WolframL

    Your guy’s characters

    There's a recent topic here where several people (myself included) talked about our Champion(s) which gives you at least some idea how people approach their characters. To briefly sum up my way: - I created multiple Champions for the purpose of testing out different classes/skillsets, genders...
  19. WolframL

    Gweyrerk: ロスト・チルドレンの章 (笑)

    The mob's members on an individual basis not being a threat is different from a whole bunch of them given time to act while she's busy tiptoeing around attacking them in just such a way to not permanently harm them. Because again, when your opponents are trying to kill you the calculation is...
  20. WolframL

    New Ghostly Mino (where is she?!?)

    She's not a random encounter, she's a fixed one in the northwest of the Glacial Rift. Bring Brint (not Brienne) because the ghostly mino is linked to him getting a new set of gear and won't appear if he's not with you.