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  1. XBoxMaster131

    Is the js version going to be ready/released for january?

    You could just download the game instead of playing in browser. Unless that wont work either.... would the downloaded version still work after flash gets old yellered? Seriously asking here.
  2. XBoxMaster131

    Who/what is Host Shukuchi? (No spoilers pls)

    Ah, thank you! Craaaap i just tried it on the wiki again. How in the fuck did i miss it the first time?!?! Ah well. Thanks again guys!!
  3. XBoxMaster131

    Who/what is Host Shukuchi? (No spoilers pls)

    Saw a thread below about someone asking for aid with this, but despite my best efforts i can find nothing about this shukuchi character or whatever it is. Could someone give me the rundown on it? Id ask over in the other aforementioned thread, but i dont wanna risk spoilers.
  4. XBoxMaster131

    Meadow 1.0 Memorial

    Dont completely loose hope. As far as im aware there hasnt beena solid yes or no on transfer compatability. Me? Im cautiously optimistic. And even if i have to start over, i can still use the old stuff as a kind of checklist to catch up.
  5. XBoxMaster131

    Transfering saves

    Theres always save editing. Its what i do. Seriously tho, im pretty sure ive spent just as much time in the save editor than playing the game, if not more, lol
  6. XBoxMaster131

    Transfering saves

    I shall reamin cautiously optimistic then! As for the source code thing... idk. I dont know enough qbout all that hullababloo to make a statement on it.
  7. XBoxMaster131

    Transfering saves

    So... theres a good amount of hope we wont have to start from scratch?
  8. XBoxMaster131

    Meadow 1.0 Memorial

    Dude i vibe with that so fucking much. Every time i have to name a baby im like "fuck pls let there not be any repeats"
  9. XBoxMaster131

    Transfering saves

    I know thats weird as hell, but i think its pretty obvious by now im not quite what one would deem "normal" by most standards, lol
  10. XBoxMaster131

    Transfering saves

    Again, i know this sounds dumb as hell, but im ngl, if i could keep my tits files but have next year be as bad as this one... Id be content. Though thats mostly cuz this year, while bad, at the very least hasnt been anything i cant handle. And by have next year be as bad as this one i meant...
  11. XBoxMaster131

    Meadow 1.0 Memorial

    Jesus man. How many days is that file on by now? Edit: i really need to read more carefully. Ffs...
  12. XBoxMaster131

    Transfering saves

    Wow. Never been so glad to not use apple.
  13. XBoxMaster131

    Transfering saves

    How dl you mean? What did he do?
  14. XBoxMaster131

    Transfering saves

    Anyway, sorry for making you have to bear witness to my self inflicted mental gymnastics.
  15. XBoxMaster131

    Transfering saves

    Yeah i know it sounds dumb. But im not exactly what you would call a logical person. If something negative happens in regards to something i enjoy, i either utterly brush it off or become paranoid i wont be able to look past it and wont be able to enjoy that thing anymore. Yes i know thats...
  16. XBoxMaster131

    Transfering saves

    I guess ill just have to do my damndest to enjoy it as much and as best i can till the inevitable happens, just in case. Again, fingers crossed the worst doesnt come to pass.
  17. XBoxMaster131

    Transfering saves

    I know, but utll still be an immense bummer. I know this is gonna sound kinda pathetic, but TiTS was my major bag during my teenage years. So ittl be a huge kick to the dick to have it... tarnished like that, for a lack of better and less dramatic words.
  18. XBoxMaster131

    Transfering saves

    Well there are actually a few things i wanna change. Do KaraQuest right the first time, instead of what i have now where i save edited in the ending i wanted, and theres till bits i wanna change, like the emails. And also redo the name of seras kid. Bjt aside from that... honestly id make it...
  19. XBoxMaster131

    Transfering saves

    Honeslty the suspense is the worst part of it all. Like i just want the yes or no answer and get it over with asap instead of having to wait like this.
  20. XBoxMaster131

    Transfering saves

    I guess... but itll still be a fucking slog. Especially getting all the preggo content done again. Which is whats mainly putting me off.