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  1. WolframL

    Your gripes with CoC II

    We know it's not, because Wsan said just a few days ago that there's still some content as part of the expansion that hasn't been written yet, though he's said it's 'very close'. Once it's written it still needs some review and coding so it's still going to be a while before it's actually...
  2. WolframL

    Alypia's Content Corner

    I just did the new Valk training content and I love how Ryn helped out for the second session. And the various attempts to get the shield just right. Ryn's lucky we can't come over there and kiss her quiet while she's giggling at our failures. And then.. the Hug. Also, amusingly Ryn hit her...
  3. WolframL

    world exploration

    No, the devs have been clear that we're never leaving the vicinity of the Frost Marches in this game.
  4. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    The main reason stated for why we aren't getting weapons like that legitimately is that the writing is all predicated around weapons that you hold rather than wear, and nobody wants to go through all the combat dialogue to add a new parser and second set of text to change things so you don't end...
  5. WolframL

    i didnt know where to ask this without being annoying

    Yes, as one entry on the list of things Bubble will write whenever the stars align.
  6. WolframL

    Downy feather

    Downy Feather should be at the very bottom of her Reagents list.
  7. WolframL

    Downy feather

    You are playing the 5.32 patch, right?
  8. WolframL

    Non-Binary option

    Practically the entire parser system is built around the Champion being either male or female, so adding any other options would mean going through thousands of instances of, pc.mascFem, pc.isMale and pc.isFemale, redoing them all to allow for a new option and writing all of that extra...
  9. WolframL

    Downy feather

    It's in her Reagents menu, not her Shop menu.
  10. WolframL

    browser console save editing without breaking saves

    Great, you've clogged up a whole thread with the equivalent of a personal post-it note in which 80% of the posts are you talking to yourself...
  11. WolframL

    Your gripes with CoC II

    The point I'm trying to make is integration. CoC1 has a bare-bones plot with virtually all of the worldbuilding found in isolated bubbles separate from the main story. The narrative gives the Champion no reason to interact with almost any of this content, nor any prompting towards its existence...
  12. WolframL

    browser console save editing without breaking saves

    For FUCKS sake, why did you make fourteen separate stream-of-consciousness posts? There is an edit button, use it.
  13. WolframL

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I think that Sauron is a better match for Kas than he is for Lethice, personally. The reason that Sauron is a passive antagonist is spelled out very early and is directly linked to the plot: We have the ring he needs to become not-passive, he knows we have it and therefore he will keep sending...
  14. WolframL

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Virtually all of whom are optional (and to an extent randomized) encounters that you have to seek out. The only things that you are required to do by the game develop precisely none of the details that you raise. Meanwhile CoC2 provides you with a great deal of worldbuilding, evidence for what...
  15. WolframL

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Don't be obtuse. Discussion of their supply lines does come up in the next parts of the quest. Tollus is still working with Kas, he's just a manipulative fuck who's also clearly playing his own game with this little side project. This is all spelled out explicitly in the notes that you obtain...
  16. WolframL

    Your gripes with CoC II

    This speaks to a failure of reading comprehension. You are told by Gweyr, going in, that you shouldn't keep fighting but withdraw after you feel you've done enough. If you keep on going to the point that the game runs out of letters that's entirely your fault for missing not only her dialogue...
  17. WolframL

    Kinu, unfortunately the cutest

    A ghostlight penis can't get anybody except Astral!Kiyoko pregnant. The in-universe reason is that it doesn't create actual sperm (and Kiyoko is handwaved as 'Astral Plane Fuckery' just like how she wasn't expecting to actually get pregnant from a Champ with a real penis) and the external reason...
  18. WolframL

    Level 7 When?

    You have played the game before and after the middle of last year, right? Did you not notice when the Resolve bar vanished? Start with that, or this set of patch notes for a lot more detail. And this earlier one for some prior important changes. That should give you an idea how deep the...
  19. WolframL

    Ahmri Update (and future village updates?)

    The number of horsedicked 'taurs outside the village is probably enough to scratch the itch of all but the most obsessive seekers of that content... If Genova gets more content in the future, she'll fill that niche. As it is she just kind of vanishes after the quest ends. Instructions unclear...
  20. WolframL

    Etheryn Chastity, what am I missing?

    No it's not... the wiki mentions certain scenes that only proc if she's caged, as future-proofing for when she isn't. Nowhere does it say 'Hey, you can totally remove it now'. Actually taking the cage off requires either Alissa's lethicite (which isn't in the game yet) or for Lumia to remove it...