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  1. XBoxMaster131

    Save editor

    Just make sure to have backups out the ass, just in case something gets borked
  2. XBoxMaster131

    Unable to Finish Emmy's Quest

    Yeah I kinda figured as much. Thank you very much though!
  3. XBoxMaster131

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    That was a year and a half ago, he may have gotten a bit of a rebound. I hope.... Also that doesn't mean it's not gonna happen.
  4. XBoxMaster131

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Wait sorry, did you mean that his recruitment has been canned? Or is it just gonna be a long wait for it?
  5. XBoxMaster131

    Weird bust bug in milker fivesome

    No clue what this is tbh...
  6. XBoxMaster131

    Unable to Finish Emmy's Quest

    So, for some reason ive still got Emmys quest seen as active in the travel tooltip, even though ive already gotten her the sex toy and done everything. Save included
  7. XBoxMaster131

    Trapped in the pool

    I noticed that if you pass time after swimming and before rinsing off you softlock yourself.
  8. XBoxMaster131

    Typos and Etc

    I noticed that after every "having" entry in the nursury comp theres an extra space. you have to squint, but you can see it highlighted near the top
  9. XBoxMaster131

    Cum Cascade Without the perk

    Ivaaslo noticed that the "ball relief" falvor text is doubled as seen here. Dunno if thats related.....
  10. XBoxMaster131

    Cum Cascade Without the perk

    Idk how this happened but somehow im getting afflicted with cum cascade even though i dont have the perk, or at the very least post oral it gives the flavor text that i do. I know for a fact nuki nuts and cum cascade arent mutually inclusive, so i have no clue whats going on here. Save file...
  11. XBoxMaster131

    Typos and Etc

    weard grammar in the tooltip
  12. XBoxMaster131

    Crash In the Nursery

    Was going into the nursuery chambers when this happened. Save file included
  13. XBoxMaster131

    Haley Preg issues

    This one is an actual bug i think, but when you check up on her after things progress a while she says she has zero days left in her pregnancy which.... yeah. Save included
  14. XBoxMaster131

    Haley Preg issues

    Another oversight i think, but you can do all of Haleys pregnancy interactions even before getting the email where she tells you shes preggers
  15. XBoxMaster131

    Gianna At The Milkers Post Recruitment

    More of an oversight than a bug, but i noticed that ianna sometimes still shows up in flavor text encounters sometimes even when recruited. load up this save file for proof and testing
  16. XBoxMaster131

    Typos and Etc

    maybe change to leaving
  17. XBoxMaster131

    Typos and Etc

    maybe change to sheer
  18. XBoxMaster131

    Typos and Etc

    No idea what this line is.
  19. XBoxMaster131

    Typos and Etc

    maybe change "her" to "hers"