no it's a certain puppy slut. though I'm having difficulty triggering it. According to the dock it should happen when you dock on Tavros or Uveto, but it never seems to come up. Is there a hidden prerequisite?
that's because each red myrs venom is unique to them and they are immune to their own venom so while they can get off on another's venom they won't for their own. This also applies to characters in game in terms of why you can't do that. See Charmaine myr venom scene as an example:
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Well regardless they are interesting. My idea was something akin to mixing Asari and the Naadi and then add a bit of fur. Pretty much a monogender race with a ancestral god made up of their memories who have a pension for gladiator style duels.
they're similar to what I had in mind for a race I'm to busy and lazy to write. Interesting, do they constantly refer to themselves in the third person?