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  1. Ormael

    decrease pregnancy speed?

    But to cheat it would req. keep changing pregnancy timer to be increased to the value it had at start of the pregnancy so it may be a little too much work to make it each time PC is pregnant. CHanges to make pregnancies set on longer duration would be above cheating and at code modification lvl...
  2. Ormael

    [Implemented] Fisianna: The VERY Shy Nekomata

    I wanted put older Fisi joke made on Hail Hydra from Marvelverse with saying Hail Fisi but recently some issues with one of the users nick on discord made me not try go this way again and risk some warning or smth. Thus We shall :catte::catte:Praise the FIsi:catte::catte:
  3. Ormael

    Value of Willpower

    Psionics keep changing every few months. First I heard like you said it will be only endgame thing. Then I heard it may be jsut some sort of 4th class to choose. So now I not sure whcih one of all the differents approaches toward adding psionic for PC use will be done. Well we would live to see...
  4. Ormael

    Ship to Ship Combat Discussion Thread

    I not think such only pure. We do have convo about possibility of Lashes currnecy to be treated in TiTSverse similary like DB fans threat Raditz in DBZA. Who knows maybe devs find it funny enought to make ingame prices for ships to be showed in Lashes... :smuggo: At least for silly mode it...
  5. Ormael

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    If you not afraid of making new save and thus starting anew there is atm Kitsune follower to be gained in other mod. Whenever Ayane would be ported to Revamp too is up to Kitteh.
  6. Ormael

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Callu is otter girl that PC can find each few explorations of Lake that can give fish to PC that in turn can be given to Ceani to bribe her to spend some time with PC and not hunt. Hidden Cave was well accidentaly unlocked dungeon few versions ago. Now it need few last changes to be ready to...
  7. Ormael

    Dragon Mod 1.0.1 for CoC Revamp 1.4-dev

    Link to download Dragon Mod should be in first post of thread where Stadler put few buttons that act as hyperlinks.
  8. Ormael

    Riya 3: Remove Kebatra(Proofreaders needed)

    Umm wait there is already done Riya 4 X-pack too? But I thought 3 was latest... :( Anyway that Riya comment of letting make PC better or rather I should say child PC carring at least half better than PC by been half human was priceless. Thou in either case it may be even more than half-human...
  9. Ormael

    [Implemented] Fisianna: The VERY Shy Nekomata

    Good Good Good soon we could then call :catte::catte:Praise the Fisi:catte::catte: Now that is smth that wil truly makes me fire up to await each new build ^^
  10. Ormael

    The Sneezing Tits: an SSTD (Updated v.1.2, COMPLETE)

    Now you can start giving gifts or making sacrifices with young virgin maidens to Jac00 to have it change from Ready to Code pile to Coded pile ^^ As for your reply to my reply: I thought Fen some time ago showed up here and made comment about noticing you making this SSTD or making some note...
  11. Ormael

    Alpha Scent perk

    If I not mistaken Alha Scent also allow to have some of scenes that would req. to get male (bull) Treatment perks along with it Pheromone Cloud.
  12. Ormael

    Killing the FrostWyrm

    Does the option to use some of Wyrm scales after killing it to make armor was dropped then?
  13. Ormael

    New Levels Feedback

    *cough* Tavira Palace *cough* It can be still made as some sort partial/fully revisitable place especialy as it would have inside one of probes. So if not whole complex but some parts with rest been blocked due to PC actions at first running thou it. That way it could be made more than seen...
  14. Ormael

    Ship to Ship Combat Discussion Thread

    @Endwar ! Lash is 999,999 Credtis when 1 Raditz as Xeivous pointed out may not be even 999 credits worth. So in that way Raditzs are smaller currency units than Lashes when compared each worth in credits.
  15. Ormael

    The Bronco Dilemma

    If I recall well James is synthetic live form thus for them it wouldn't be an issue to detach some body part and still been wireless connected to it.
  16. Ormael

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    @Virgilia444 OK thx for info on how this happened. Do you had in that save any kitsune doubled perks amybe too (Before you used 0.8d2 version)? @Kharn Each area have slow stat rising effect if PC not found any other encounter. For Beach and Ocean they got those too but been higher lvl areas...
  17. Ormael

    The Sneezing Tits: an SSTD (Updated v.1.2, COMPLETE)

    Ohh that a suprising given Fen do talk a bit more that a bit about wanting to see Sneezing Tits SSTD before Slab decide to take on writing this one.
  18. Ormael

    [Implemented] Fisianna: The VERY Shy Nekomata

    Well PC can always give her few Lashes it should be enough for few changes abck and forth even with providing her with best service to keep her body genome intact like PC one is after all those TF's :catte: Well I would probably still ook which one fomr scenes I like more and keep her in that...
  19. Ormael

    Level 9 and Nova

    You probably thinking about yet not added/coded event in Uveto deep sea dungeon where Goo Armor can once again upgrade herself after beating I think final boss there. This one probably would make her add few shiled points and her weakness to one of type of dmg (electric I think) reduced. But all...
  20. Ormael

    Ship sizes and Ship classes?

    That would be quite a "Sucker Punch" Vio or given verse we in... "Metal Cock Punch" :D Well if we would get ships with cocks then why not add to some/rest tits? Ahh that reminds me LulA space adventures in ship called Tit. Then it could be upgraded by adding second Tit ^^