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  1. wery12345

    Is Wide Sweep stealable from anywhere?

    You basically have to buy the gun load it yourself then hand it to them to fucking shoot you to get holy shock.
  2. wery12345

    What content would you like added?

    Shes still a new NPC give her some time while there creator writes out her quest.
  3. wery12345

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Only the fox den drains life force, if it were a certain fox it would be a death drain.
  4. wery12345

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Yeah right now shes just be leashed and ask to have sex with the Big Fluffy sheep, feels like theres something missing from her.
  5. wery12345

    What content would you like added?

    AT this point there as to be at least one sentient armor, though chances are it wont be eavy so out of my characters scope of use.
  6. wery12345

    How do i complete Education help?

    What in the flying fuck.
  7. wery12345

    What content would you like added?

    Also the only thing we really kill are demons who quite literally dont know how to do anything other then corrupt.
  8. wery12345

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I assumed they meant for sex, not the outside of. I know that outside of sex buttons work a bit differently.
  9. wery12345

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Your complaining about the button being there still yet its like that for every single other character in the game like she would be any different?
  10. wery12345

    What content would you like added?

    What Savin said keep the fucking Snuff fetish 10000 miles away from here good fucking lord dude.
  11. wery12345

    What Path do you guys mostly choose for kassyra Romantic path or Enemy path?

    Id put my money on soulbinding having an actual presence in the tory by the end of act 2, I get why it doesn't now(probably so they dont have to rewrite to account for it or something akin to that) but considering the fact of the whole ring of fate quest happened the whole, traded your soul for...
  12. wery12345

    What content would you like added?

    AT this point everyone lets wolf do the sourcing, they know how to use the forum search features the best.
  13. wery12345

    What content would you like added?

    Considering caits revival is her ultimate ability you don't want it to be used randomly, also it exists to prevent the player from failing the fight.
  14. wery12345


    Though like how with becoming a floof your going to be missing the key aspect of them, like the hunger for floof your probably not gonna be able to eat the magic like normal gothmanders.
  15. wery12345

    Does Kiyoko's Mother's Day Event happen multiple times in May or only once per year?

    Whats required to trigger it, cause it seems to not want to for me?
  16. wery12345

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I mean they can, its just when similar stuff shows up its best to just remind them of the reason why it was ignored before.
  17. wery12345

    Your gripes with CoC II

    YEah when it comes to CoC2, the best way to aim our gripes is ignoring the exxistance of both TiTs and CoC1, because they have absolutely nothing to do with this(minus CoC1 with the world stuff).
  18. wery12345

    What content would you like added?

    Logcially speaking keeping the alarune alive is aliright due to the pollen her and her kin produce.
  19. wery12345

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Not its not, because different people coding, its why basically nothing from TiTs has ever come over to this.
  20. wery12345

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Like its alway "is a derogatory term" but my issue is, when and where did this become a thing? Ive only ever seen it used in games like this where its makes sense.