Id put my money on soulbinding having an actual presence in the tory by the end of act 2, I get why it doesn't now(probably so they dont have to rewrite to account for it or something akin to that) but considering the fact of the whole ring of fate quest happened the whole, traded your soul for...
Though like how with becoming a floof your going to be missing the key aspect of them, like the hunger for floof your probably not gonna be able to eat the magic like normal gothmanders.
YEah when it comes to CoC2, the best way to aim our gripes is ignoring the exxistance of both TiTs and CoC1, because they have absolutely nothing to do with this(minus CoC1 with the world stuff).
Like its alway "is a derogatory term" but my issue is, when and where did this become a thing? Ive only ever seen it used in games like this where its makes sense.