Search results

  1. MESeele

    Games bosses that you hate

    Boss battles that you can't win. Or that you win in gameplay and the narrative decides you lost. It can feel great if it was a hard fought battle and you didn't know until the reveal...but these are usually poorly (or not at all) disguised, and just makes you want to put your controller down and...
  2. MESeele

    A little help with 2 things

    .Minerva has generally been abandoned by the community in favour of TiTsEd. At least I don't see people talking about it nearly as much anymore. Reason being, some time ago TiTS became too big memory-wise to edit in some browsers, and when used with other browsers started stripping the version...
  3. MESeele

    Pro Wrestling Themed Smut?

    That's fine, it's just the first thing that came to mind when I saw this thread.
  4. MESeele

    Pro Wrestling Themed Smut?

    Will it have Taimanin Asagi style corner-post lovin'?
  5. MESeele

    Just an Idea TF

    Dragons are legendarily special cookies, and while MC is certainly special, she's not that special. Observer has me wondering about their role to be now though. It's a mystery.
  6. MESeele

    Frost Wyrm

    I did slip "I thought it was a given" into my mild shoulder shrug, but you put it far more eloquently.♥
  7. MESeele

    Opinions on Legend of Queen Opala

    I've only played through the second game. • It was actually pretty fun till the third act (when you get back her palace and after), and the whole game becomes a massive grind from there out. Apparently the enemies were scaled with the assumption that all players were grinding during the new...
  8. MESeele

    [WIP] The Pettening

    Yeah, she bombed her old account to start fresh as Mistybirb. *goes to check Aislinn thread to see what you're talking about* Huh, would ya look at that. I've never seen a character cancelled after being submitted before.
  9. MESeele

    Frost Wyrm

    Fair point. This is the only mention of treating colours with respect that I could find, and it wasn't on the rules sticky like I thought, but early on in a general discussion of the new forum. It's certainly not somewhere new users would see. I still think it was a given, but assumptions. I'm...
  10. MESeele

    Frost Wyrm

    Cause he's new and thinks it would be *cool and unique* to abuse colours for a gaudy sig. I just assumed if not Gedan, then Ted would definitely remove it on sight. Or just lock colours to 1,000+ post users. Same thing should happen to images in sigs imo. There have already been a couple new...
  11. MESeele

    Female Lagomorph (bunny) sex scenes

    The devs evidently wanted to lay in the bones before going back and fleshing it out, hence the lack of basic sex options for various field encounters. Even the earlier field enemies that were a myriad of 4-legged animals only had 0-1 sex scene each (sometimes only a loss scene for one gender)...
  12. MESeele

    I've decided to quit FoE

    That's unfortunate. Still, best luck to ya. Ah, since you were a little vague, dropping FoE but still on the forums? (just curious, since it sounds a bit like a clean break from everything)
  13. MESeele

    Games in 2017 you are looking forward to.

    I just noticed that this year is Shin Megami Tensei's 25th anniversary!...and the page suggests a new SMT? (hopefully not just in my mind). Any and all possibilities are high on my list. Especially a new Raidou game. Happen already dammit. It's certainly not important enough for its own thread...
  14. MESeele

    What're You Playing?

    That the Lilymon taking selfies quest? Played it yesterday. It was humorous.
  15. MESeele

    What're You Playing?

    Armegeddomon was the antagonist in one of the movies too, so it's strange that he was skipped out on. Doubly so since the rest of the Diaboromon line is in, as you mentioned. Still, I'm surprised at how many are in from the shows. The whole thing's a cascade of nostalgia blasts.
  16. MESeele

    What're You Playing?

    Just grabbed a ps4 so- -Odin Sphere Leifthrasir -Digimon Cyber Sleuth -Battleborn :ghost: Odin Sphere is amazing. I loved the original, and thought this was just a rerelease in HD...Fuck no. Besides a few invasive tutorials and book entries popping up automatically when collected, everything...
  17. MESeele

    Games in 2017 you are looking forward to.

    Persona 5 Disgaea 2 PC (already 100%'d DHD, but still...) New Nier Tales of Berseria? (the series' last few entries have been really hit and miss)
  18. MESeele

    Your first fantasy girl/guy/...creature?

    -Game Over Gruntilda from Banjo Kazooie. (which is good, cause Rusty Bucket Bay's engine room made me see that screen a lot...) -Marina from Mischief Makers. *shake shake* -Roll from Megaman 64 (Legends). -Mai (emperor Pilaf's group) from Dragon Ball. Were probably some of the early characters...
  19. MESeele

    New Tokyo

    Ah kanji, I am defeated by you once again...
  20. MESeele

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I still fully expect to walk into FoE's The Pale Flame one day to find Cassidy pregnant by [will never be you]. I know Savin didn't write her, but I feel she's the embodiment of that disdain. Ah...FoE.