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  1. Raindrops

    Lucky's Scratching Post!

    Fair enough! I was thinking of basically doing stuff like give her a Geddanium ring, and have her turn it into a pair of Geddanium bars (a bar set)
  2. Raindrops


    Aina is always my first stop for any new characters. Now I'm just gonna make sure they keep at it until she's knocked up too
  3. Raindrops

    Lucky's Scratching Post!

    Awesome! In that case, may I request that any "special" piercings she have come in different styles? It's so annoying that the rare piercings you find on Uveto and Zheng Shi are only rings, rather than bars Perhaps making her able to change the style of already found piercings?
  4. Raindrops

    Lucky's Scratching Post!

    Is Lumi the one who will be selling us piercings and stuff?
  5. Raindrops

    Anno x Syri event?

    Huh, how do you trigger the accidental cumshot? 'cause that sounds fun
  6. Raindrops

    Tf info?

    That's the point. There probably is no estimate for when it comes out, other than "within a year".
  7. Raindrops

    Buying in Bulk

    Before people start raging about this being the ideaforum This is actually a valid use of the forums, as this is a purely mechanical suggestion
  8. Raindrops

    Is there a Mod for Multiple Assholes?

    I dunno about "require", but Ceria has a double penetration scene if you have two dicks It's pretty hot As for how the info is provided, there's a parser call you can make. You can basically write something like "" and get the info you need (different syntax, but same idea)...
  9. Raindrops

    Is there a Mod for Multiple Assholes?

    If someone had come up with it at the very start, it could maybe have been decently easy to code it to just ask for generic hole in proximity to eachother... buuut, that didn't happen, so right now it would be a titanic undertaking to rewrite literally everything to make it happen Also, on a...
  10. Raindrops

    cant get out of forest

    Can you get back to town? If so, this is not a bug, the game just doesn't exist beyond the forest yet. This game is just barely beyond minimum viable product right now
  11. Raindrops

    How do you like play your Steele?

    [*Rebel theme intensifies*]
  12. Raindrops

    A list of unrelated questions

    Kinda want to know this too... "Dickpillows" and "wasp-stung" or whatever is just about hte least sexy way to describe lips
  13. Raindrops

    A list of unrelated questions

    I don't have the on ship version. But apparantly it works! Also, thank you for point out this perk to me, I was not aware that it had been added, and it is a fun one
  14. Raindrops

    A list of unrelated questions

    Are you playing it through to the actual end? At one point you will get a choice between "Continue" and "end". This is not the end; chose "Continue" to actually complete it. You will get one more option to pick. I can confirm it works with the Police Girl option, using Luca's broken mindwash visor.
  15. Raindrops

    100% all-beef Franks

    Wait, are you supposed to actually *fight* the zil squad? as in, the one that shows up the first time you meet hte Pump-King? Or the one at the gates? The one with the Pump-King never triggers combat for me
  16. Raindrops

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    100% agree on the pheromones. I want to be a lust-based bioweapon when I walk into the room!
  17. Raindrops

    Bimbo scenes

    exactly, and this game is built to let you tailor it to yours, after all :P
  18. Raindrops

    Bimbo scenes

    Indeed. It feels like cheating and "fake". I don't mind others using it though, it's just not for me. I also don't like the horse costume on Poe A becuase it "feels" like just a costume that has fused to your body, rather than an actual genetic change though, so I'm a bit picky with that stuff
  19. Raindrops

    Bimbo scenes

    Yeah, it's just a really annoying joke because people keep suggesting it. Seriously, if you go to just about any thread regarding "how to get X" you'll find someone suggesting saveediting. And yeah, I'm aware it's the only way to actually accomplish that right now
  20. Raindrops

    Bimbo scenes

    Yeah, but I don't like using save editing. I generally just don't cheat in any game I play, beyond checking out guides and the occasional savescum. Correct, "amazing" just forces the Amazon treatment option. It's basically savescum in a button, which is neat, but really uneccessary if you're...