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  1. wery12345

    How do/did I increase semen count without items?

    insert bennys what in the god damn 900% volume here
  2. wery12345

    Combat and QoL Feedback Thread

    I do wonder if there would be any way to make it obvious how much armor/ward are reducing damage, because with my current set up on current combat I can have it say its reducing dmg by 50%+.
  3. wery12345

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I think an interaction with Rindo explains it as the champ not knowing how kitsune names are/work and with how they are still pretty isolationist having a name that is more marcher than kitsune could cause issues for them. Less done out of malice more done out of the fact kitsune aren't open to...
  4. wery12345

    What content would you like added?

    These are all outside of highground.
  5. wery12345

    Combat and QoL Feedback Thread

    Thank you for making disarm no longer stackable, nothing beat having imp groups disarm me for 8 turns. Also making it to where my generating threat means something instead of having it at red and watching them not hit me 3 turns in a row. those were my 2 biggest gripes and theyve already been fixed.
  6. wery12345

    What content would you like added?

    You say this like Tobs hasnt shoved in the champ spouting memes to himself, or Alpyia with the puns, my god the fucking puns.
  7. wery12345

    Your gripes with CoC II

    You can name the bard Moos kid.
  8. wery12345

    Your gripes with CoC II

    That might just be a oversight from when they were writing her, probably focused more on the ryn getting some horse cock than the champ.
  9. wery12345

    Combat Rebalance Summary?

    Balaks got no lube and hes going to fucking probably raw a lot of peoples favorite build types, how does one not got mad with power.
  10. wery12345


    WHat e removed is your soul, not lethicite, lethicite is quite literally a corrupted soul. Shit if you have Kiyoko with you when you beat the gdemon general she tells you "Its a soul drained of its chi" its literally a pure crystal of Ki.
  11. wery12345


    If you want to spoil yourself simply go into the folder with all the busts, and look at the faceless blade. No clue what any of it is but there is some interesting fuckery I want to see. But yeah kitsune are already technically demons but have the communal soul to give them emotions.
  12. wery12345


    Kitsune aren't corrupted, it's more so they lack a soul to corrupt.
  13. wery12345

    Best places to grind and catch your lower-leveled companions up?

    Frostwood and the undermountains would be the best, both have high level fights that gives lots of exp, basically bring 1 high leveled companion and yourself.
  14. wery12345


    Well for one, using anything from the first game isn't really worth going off of, and 2 no, your not going to be able to, this isn't that type of fantasy.
  15. wery12345

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Yeah her and the other kitsune encounters tend to be the common occurrence in pick a fight.
  16. wery12345

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I am curious, why does non hostile encounters, kura for example since beating her 3 times makes her non hostile for everyone, still show up on the pick a fight option post hostilities.
  17. wery12345

    PLAN B

    Wonder if she'll using writing for getting her point across, but then one remembers that being able to read and write isn't that common.
  18. wery12345

    What Path do you guys mostly choose for kassyra Romantic path or Enemy path?

    Writing relationships in this game in general is pretty hard, because they have the whole "techincally only done in 3/4 months" thing. Like its why some people dislike how the champ goes from "im helping this fox" to "If anything happens to this fox and our kid I will kill everyone in sivarah...
  19. wery12345

    Can we get a non-compressed Download for CoC2 Please

    Ive downloaded this game across multipul systems, are you not running on windows or something?