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  1. Tide Hunter

    When does the game consider the Champ a Boreal Elf?

    Recently I've played through with a character that started as a wyld elf, and the moment Ice Roses were available, used them to transform to a boreal elf. All of the traits that would differentiate between the two elf types, like the skin color, hair color, and loss of the visible wyld mark...
  2. Tide Hunter

    Your gripes with CoC II

    It's weird how there's one instance of gender-specific armor in the game, that being the Tiran Temple's Tiran Nun's Habit and Tiran Vestements. Why is it gender-locked? They have identical stats, but the nun's habit is described as "rather revealing" and has a generally more descriptive...
  3. Tide Hunter

    What content would you like added?

    The warning on milking yourself is mostly just that, if you leave yourself at maximum fullness without milking it for long enough, your milk production decreases and eventually stops. Along with being a bit of flavor text. I just wish that none of the masturbation scenes immediately put you to...
  4. Tide Hunter

    Your gripes with CoC II

  5. Tide Hunter

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Really, the only problem I have with how this game handles dick size is that Etheryn still has size limits. I don't know how much capacity she takes at maximum training, but the fact that she's otherwise one of my favorite characters means I feel forced to limit my character's cocks to 12...
  6. Tide Hunter

    What content would you like added?

    1: I don't have some camaraderie with Wolfram. Doing a search of times where I've responded to him, and of the last five times I've responded to him, every single one was to disagree with him or a point inferred by his links. 2: I've responded to you twice before the one where you responded to...
  7. Tide Hunter

    What content would you like added?

    Italics used for emphasis began in the 16th century, the century that italics were first invented by Aldus Pius Manutius, even if he didn't intend for it to be used for emphasis. Sure, italics could have been used to indicate exasperation, but considering the vast history of their use for...
  8. Tide Hunter

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Was she? While that would make since, do you have a link or a screenshot to Bubble saying that Tui's lines weren't accurate? The writing doesn't really need much coding. Yeah, there's coding, but that's done by coders after the writer is done, and when doing the writing itself, the closest you...
  9. Tide Hunter

    Your gripes with CoC II

    To be fair, another one of our companions, Arona, who can be willing to faithfully obey you (or dominate you) and with whom you can both sire and birth children, is also an unrepentant serial rapist, raider, and slaver, as part of her tribe's culture, a culture she is pretty much unwilling to...
  10. Tide Hunter

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Perhaps, yeah. Checking the tester, [pc.cockColorOther] produces the same error, and it and the cockInches are the only two simple parsers related to cocks which are specific to one cock which don't list a specific Other version in the parser documentation. So, I think it may actually just not...
  11. Tide Hunter

    Your gripes with CoC II

    The scene is double-penetration, so it won't be available to single-cocked players, and I specifically loaded up a save for a character with a second cock. The [pc.cockOther] parser worked fine.
  12. Tide Hunter

    What content would you like added?

    Yeah, that's what I meant by "compensated for with a neck item that can act as a viable alternative for once the Amulet of Union is gone." Perhaps I could have worded it more clearly, but that was my intent.
  13. Tide Hunter

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Speaking of spoilers, discussions on this topic are usually put fully in spoilers because of Convocation of Mirrors. Almost certainly so, but I feel like much more of the men are faceless generic types, like the centaur raiders or the Crazy Horse (even if it's not the majority), while a greater...
  14. Tide Hunter

    What content would you like added?

    Tangentially related, I feel like the reason for the Control Rod being so powerful is largely because, to get it, you need to give up a necklace which is absolutely the strongest (offensive) neck item for any pure caster (and even half-caster) build. It overpowers any other catalyst, but if you...
  15. Tide Hunter

    Your gripes with CoC II

    While there are a lot of things within this world/setting which are dark, you're kind of missing the whole "grim" part of grimdark. A grimdark world is hopeless. There may be individual heroes in Warhammer, but all they can really do is kill things and perpetuate the space-fascists which happen...
  16. Tide Hunter

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Ryn is too, mostly because she's found on an unavoidable tile on the critical path (similar to Brint) and the later dungeon needs her. Viviane was added recently. I've even tried recruiting her. The path to recruiting her is pretty non-critical, and really hard to miss if it weren't for the...
  17. Tide Hunter

    Overengineered UI

    Yeah, same. They have options for disabling flashing in other UI elements, but for some reason not for that specifically. Maybe keep a blue outline to indicate that something can be done, but the flashing sucks.
  18. Tide Hunter

    What content would you like added?

    Building off what red said, while I do like doms, I'd prefer if a high-con Etheryn (which I always go for) didn't suddenly become Evelyn (but blue). And, it wouldn't work as something separate but replacing from the confidence meter, so if something like it was implemented, it would sort of be a...
  19. Tide Hunter

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    To the extent of my knowledge, he's still the lead and he still does some writing and coding stuff, he's just stepped back from writing the porn parts.
  20. Tide Hunter

    Overengineered UI

    Can you actually see them? I've been trying to find them but I don't know where's left to look.