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  1. Raindrops

    How valuable is Leadership?

    People have different tastes, not everyone likes hypertits I personally never use that ring because I prefer either entirely flat (for male characters) or about DD cups (for female characters), and it's damn difficult to keep your titties in check if they keep growing at random times
  2. Raindrops

    How/when does Kinu grow up? Does she need to leave the orb first?

    As title I have done much porking of Kiyoko over my playthroughs, but I've never actually seen Kinu grow up I have also never freed her (I only found the option to do so a week ago or so, and I'm currently aiming for 32 kits minimum before going through with that), and I'm wondering if that's...
  3. Raindrops

    About Archer Stats

    I can confirm that a thief archer works really well
  4. Raindrops

    Are there any plans to let us meet that elf guard who guards the Winter City before you beat the dungeon?

    aight fair! Kinda tempted to do it honestly... She had a great DP scene
  5. Raindrops

    Are there any plans to let us meet that elf guard who guards the Winter City before you beat the dungeon?

    I can't quite remember her name, and she doesn't seem to exist in the wiki yet. Gythia or something? She's a cutie, and I was wondering if there were any plans to add her to the game after you beat Kasyrra in there (And since it's technically still mayternity, perhaps we can knock her up too...
  6. Raindrops


    She do be Say, the new scenes for her, can they handle dual penises? I can't check myself until the public patch unfortunately
  7. Raindrops


    Yesterdays patchnotes was a very VERY pleasant surprise Not only do we get a cute centaur camp follower, she also increases our carrying capacity and can be bred? Fucking hell, 69/10 best patch notes Consider this an appreciation post <3
  8. Raindrops

    Is there a way to check how many kits you have with Kiyoko?

    Yeh I'm at 7 now We need a magical codex page where we can see the numbers of kids we've fathered/mothered, even if they aren't in the nursery =P
  9. Raindrops

    Is there supposed to be an upper limit to the Virility stat?

    It's currently 227 now, without the fertility statues or rut! Get on my level <3
  10. Raindrops

    Is there a way to check how many kits you have with Kiyoko?

    As title I'm planning on getting the full 9 tails before freeing her, but as far as I can tell that requires 32 kits, and I would like to check my progress
  11. Raindrops

    Is there supposed to be an upper limit to the Virility stat?

    'cause I found a way to increase it arbitrarily high! Just use Evergreens virility+ option! Mine is over 70 now, so I'm pretty sure I knock up every girl in a 5 mile radius just by existing!
  12. Raindrops

    Wayfort Discussion

    Huh? How do you do that? I always let Farrah into the wayfort, but as far as I can tell she only serves as a shop and has a strip-tease scene Is there something specific I must do?
  13. Raindrops

    Wayfort Discussion

    right, but as in right now, already implemented? Or is that still just plans?
  14. Raindrops

    Wayfort Discussion

    Is it possible to claim the wayfort on your own terms yet, or is the elven vassal route the only way?
  15. Raindrops

    Who is this "Sariel" that showed up in the recent public patch post?

    This chick specifically: She looks quite fun, and I would like to know where to find her!
  16. Raindrops

    Is there any good at-will powers for a damage warrior?

    Why must you crush my dreams like this :( Oh well, back to figuring out how on earth I'm going to get Arona to smack me with her Wide Sweep so that I can steal it Seriously though, how does that work?
  17. Raindrops

    Is there any good at-will powers for a damage warrior?

    Yeah that's kind of the situation I want to avoid I'm trying to keep a thematic power set, but it's kinda difficult at times EDIT: holy shit I just noticed that Kasyrras Double Attack is stealable! Gonna have to get myself that one
  18. Raindrops

    Is there any good at-will powers for a damage warrior?

    How do you get Wide Sweep? It says it isn't trainable, and only Arona can get it? Because that is exactly the sort of at-will power I would like to have The mirror stance says you can only learn powers that hit you, but since Arona with the chieftain set is the only one with Wide Sweep...
  19. Raindrops

    Is there any good at-will powers for a damage warrior?

    So far as I can tell, the only avaialble at-will power for warriors is Guarded Stance... Which is aight I guess, if you plan on tanking, but kinda sucks if you don't. I mean the defense is nice I guess, but except for bossfights it's kinda useless with a healer, and the threat portion is a...
  20. Raindrops

    Show off some art

    I really really hope these can make it into the game properly The current art for the centaurs is... Uhh it kinda reminds me of Bobby Hill, to be honest